I plan to have the 3, 8 inch fans pulling through 4 hoods each. Taking with it as much hot air as possible. Coming on when the lights do.
Then I plan to use this large squirel cage fan to blow cool air into the room, hooked to a thermostat set at around 74.
I also have 1, mobile 12,000 btu AC...
Ballasts and timers going up.
Running all the wires as neatly as possible.
Got the last 2 lights installed and the last of the 3, 8inch fans for the lights. That I still need to install.
The tank room is right below the flower room. I keep this room dark and cool for obvious reasons. I plan to have 3 tanks in here in the near future.
I added a threaded coupler to the pump so we can easily change it out or clean.
Building 4 rows of 10 inch tall boxes for the buckets to set on so they drain into the 3 inch return lines.
Started hanging some lights and the hard lines for delivering nutrients.
Then I painted all the wood white.
I normaly post a grow log here in the outdoor grow section. So I figured I'd share a little bit of my indoor projects here aswell.
So here it goes.
I've had this space for some time now. I have run some smaller hydro grows in this room, but I've had plans to finish it in this manner for some...
We recently bought 15 Delicious seeds, Black Russians. From Choice seed bank. Of the 15 seeds only 8 came up. The rest grew mold from the peat pucks.
Does anyone know if they will go good on these or would it be a waist of my time? Obviously I'd have to say something like, They weren't souvenir...
Yeah after it was all said and done the Ch9 seeds, Blue Lemon Thai is what we lost the most of. The structure was nice, the high was great, but we lost 5#'s off the 3 plants we grew.
The party was great. A little to much wiskey but the chocolates kept us partying till 3am.
Still have 2 plants to trim that need a little more time. Other then that everything is down and trimmed. I must say we didn't come close to last years numbers, but it wasn't the greatest season ether.
Really wish I could make it out to one of these bbq's.
I know we thought about flying out last year. But at the time we still had 2 kids at home.
My daughter has gone off to college and my son is barely home anymore. I'd still need to get someone to watch the farm (and son) while we're gone...
I added joist hangers to a bunch of stringers today. I need to pick up some more though.
This place was built by a logger, not a carpenter. So there's tons of things they did wrong.
No joist hangers being one of many.
I have a nice hardwood floor in my living room. To bad they didn't nail any of...
Wow that was a fast harvest.... I think we are about half way. I haven't had as many trimmers as I had last year. Most of them have full time jobs (which is great). We'll make it through somehow...we always do.
Glad to hear things are going better and I hope your nephew pulls through...!!
No that's my home stereo. I bought the mixer to make cueing up songs easier. Music can also be cued through a mobile app or bluetooth.
I got tired of blowing regular stereo speakers. This year at State Wide Motorcycle Rally my equipment crapped out on me. Next year this will all be hooked up to...
Had a friend/trimmer show up drunk (and by drunk I mean waisted) Friday. Figured, what the hell... We could all use a break.
More friends showed up with FireBall wiskey.
Peavey's were kickin it as loud as my amp would push them....!!
Long story short, I now have a broken deck, from us jumping on...