If you are talking light to light, yes.
If you are talking interstate, hell no.
It is the gearing, pulleys or sprockets and the primary gears.
A 1200 with the primary gears and chain of the 883 will be faster but interstate rpm will suck.
We allow women, children and the elderly to die innocently ever day we let our government to continue to spiral out of control.
The Revolution will not be televised.
When I was 18 several chics lied about their age, saying they were 18 when they were 17. That didn't stop me, there isn't much of any difference between 17 and 18 but there is a huge difference between 13 and 31.
Wait a tick, you're rationale is that someone bombed schools, hospitals and neighborhoods and effectively coined the term terror bombing and they were United States citizens working for the United States military so that gives you the right to "consent" to sexual interactions with a child?
We used to have hurricane parties.
When the eye went over we'd go out and have trials of stupid challenges, after the storm passed we'd all go surfing.
Hah, that kid is seriously confused.
He says he is oppressed and underprivileged, he figured out the e-nets so now we all have to read his bellyaching.
I hope so.
Lives are being wasted needlessly.
All in the name of corporate power, I believe Theodore Roosevelt helped us with that one.
I'll vote to spend my tax dollars to help out a family eat instead of bombing a family.
More can be done with words than bombs, unless you are a tyrant.
It isn't charity.
It is a social program to help people.
Single mothers and low income families benefit greatly from food assistance.
There are plenty of people that abuse the system.