The problem with EBT is the people using it.
Some actually need assistance, others are merely pumping out kids to stay under the government blanket.
Some will even purposefully work less hours to stay "under the line".
If you feel slighted by using your EBT card it is only because you know...
I built a fixture, with TastyLED light engines and a TastyLED frame.
It is just like the T3, but shorter and it has one 4000K Vero with two 3000K Veros and a driver for each colour group.
I'm hoping this will give me the best of both worlds; enough blue to transition to flower, enough red to...
Now who's projecting?!
Since I've been on this board since 2008 I've done nothing but help people, the only function you serve is to spread hate.
When did I ever say I cared?
You race-haters never got held enough as children and this is your way of getting the attention you never got from mommy or daddy, even while you still live at home and grow in your parent's house.
You race-haters are ignorant as fuck.
If you are familiar with the function of Google, search for "Oscar Grant, Oakland, CA".
Fake news?
Yea, bwahahahhha!
Try News Years day, 2009.
Ignorant troglodyte.
Funny, the same in the US.
I saw an unarmed man, handcuffed face down get shot in the back in the US.
Every finger you point there are three pointing back, coward.