I smoke to ease the pain of death nothing like a good joint/blunt to take me back to the good days when a lot of friends and family members where alive
no cause no worries just clouds and dreams :shock: stay green
Wtf kind of talk is straps sounds like a punk word 2 me...... yo what typ strap u got???? 12" dong yo whats up ?
After i trolled a bit i found out u was talking about whats your favorite Gun
I keep one in my truck 24/7
i pulled it out the other day at a skeet shoot and i bet i promoted...
Last rave i went was the shit i was rolling so hard meet some many beautiful women i just wish they where of age when they add you on Facebook and you find out there 15-16 kinda makes u scared -.- i stopped giving my real name :bigjoint:
My pit would walk up and wait for you to blow it in her face... its normal if they like it they like it.... that simple
my dog got to the point where if you had weed you was cool with her ^.^
Guys thanks for then info and no its not a important job at all its for alsups Im needing a second job to get my income back up and going
Thanks a lot guys on some of the good information.
wtf i was high as shit when i typ that i kept saying i lmao
:clap: alright so i worked for a company in 2007-2012 at the begging of 2012 i notice i needed a change in my life so i decided to take a break and see the world i traveled few places manly places that allow the use of cannabis well now im back home and needing a job What should i say i was...
Alright well im back and kind of puzzle i used the heating pad and i wore boxer shorts that have a pocket in the inside i fill the papper work out take it up there the damn boss wasnt there to do the urin test so i have to freaking wait till monday... i used the heating pad so idk when im going...
Well for now im stuck with the QuickFix ill give this a go next round ^>^ ill even post up if the QuickFix worked. thanks for the indo im scared about the temp =/
I'm from Texas if i wave and you don't wave back you get the finger =/
I was raised to respect each human as equal not based on there skin color or where there from people like that make me sick and need there face smashed on a sidewalk...
Respect me and ill respect you