Yeah its killer ..had some on the bong with a few friends earlier ..all smiles and coughs in the house .. im looking to get some larger bags or the next run or maybe a couple large screens ..not sure what but i have a lot more trim this time and bud and i dont want to doing all those small...
Thanks genuity and homebrewer know I got you covered on these just say when .. as soon as I de seed the Gsog x cd x DOUBLE DETH i'll send them over with whatever ..
I will be running these over the at the bay .. so if you feel you want to take part and head on over and sign yourself...
Took some pics
Spartan hashish..
sage x #4.0
Stocking filler #8 and the worst water in the uk.. thinks its from a rusty tap behind a shed
gsog x cd hydro
coco gsog x
hydro sage x
fallen collar of #8
The hash is taking people by surprise even after I tell them only a...
Whats happened too the likes>> Looking good whodat .. cheesey berry umm ..chopped the sweetest cheese plant down last night .. could almost eat it .. gotta love the cheese bro..
Chopping is taking just that little bit longer than usual ,im not as quick as i used to be .. really need to get a trimmer ..
Got a nasty surprise today , i overloaded one of the extenstions im guessing with the addition of the heater ,2 fans and the de humidifier.. the plug burnt out...
Added the dehumidifier and a found a few fans , so now it should me ok.. Started on the chopping too mainly the seeded plants as I will be having help tomorrow .. tired so i'll put pics up over the weekend.. :peace: dre
Thanks for the comments whodat .. Did you press the bubble you made in the end ? or do you prefer it loose?
Took some picks of the tent i only brought the small cam with me this time .. There starting to fill out nicely now..
Gsog x cd .. looks and smells just as good in the hydro as the coco...
yeah i think i saw that in the 6 jig but as i were n't involved in the topic i wasn't taking it in ..dabs and rigs ..shatter .. went straight over my head :) .. thanks for the info any way been reading up and got a quick lesson already. i don't think i'll try it for now though this hash making...
I did a quick search on here after you said that ..lots of info some a bit confusing ..need to get all the jargon stored in my head, I will see whats on the tube aswell . Seems like that's a whole different world .. love the fact that stems can be used too well in one persons method I seen ...
Hash run 3.. made some more hash with the bubble bags ,used some of the #3 but its mainly the #4.0 plant and trim off the ssh#4 and #10 sage x but that's only a bit so its mainly #4.. have over half the plant left to do and have some drying and soaking at the moment . got about 6grams so far...
Yeah those leaves do stand out jig i noticed they have purple veins too, the ets have a simlar double edge but not as sharp.. very resinous too..
Been busy ,almost overlooked some rot in the SSH#4 colar ,had my eyes on the gsog and the other ssh#1 but it was the plants at the back with less...
don't know if this is the same problem but now the basic uploader won't work for me .. can some one explain whats going on and when will it be fixed..?
Well whatever it is it needs to be sorted out sharpish.. this is taking longer than needed.. :-(
above #4.0
Been trimming this ugly duckling ..taking forever seriously thinking about dumping this in the bubble bags its that finky with all the shriveled in sticky leaves ..they do not...
So its not just me then.. used 2 different laptops and both the same .. it probably has something to do with that myflies or something warning I've been getting every now and then when I've tried too access this site.. you get that blocked warning too ?
SSH#4 and #8 are hanging now #4.0 and #10 will be hung up today .. noticed some small half seeds in the gsog x cd when I crumbled out a few buds .. can't get pics up for some reason will try later..
SSH#1 cut
#11 from cut
#6 from cut
Riu is messing again ..can only use...