I agree that maybe you don't have a calcium problem. I see the spots that you're seeing, but it's totally possible that that is just some burning from the potassium. I would NOT use the calcium spray. Give things a few days and see how it looks. Anyway, you're nearing the mid point of flowering...
Now you're thinking! Kelp has a bunch of benefits, yucca and aloe are wetting agents, barley has enzymes, humic and fulvic aid uptake of nutrients, soy has amino acids for Nitrogen and to aid absorption of trace minerals...
So it's important not to get tunnel vision and focus on Just molasses...
Even the skeptical guy said that molasses makes your microbes multiply.
So when is it good to get a big swarm of microbes going? Or when is it good to use molasses?
Maybe near the end of your plant's life, when it's not exuding sugar from it's roots. Theoretically you could add molasses to...
A lot of dudes are moving towards something like 40% peat, 40% aeration and 20% compost.
Make sure the mushroom compost is "good" before you use it. Put a couple handfuls in a bucket, sprinkle on some kelp meal or some ground oatmeal and wet it a little. If the compost is good white fuzz should...
I think your mix of different composts is cool. And size different aeration plus biochar is awesome too. Your soil should be cool.
If you can't find the crustacean stuff, but you've got Gia Green, consider Gia Green's all-in-one bloom amendment instead (Power Bloom 2-8-4). Maybe just use half...
OK! Nothing looks locked up right now. Nice green leaves, no stripes, no tip burn, stems look good, etc.
I think you're doing really well! We see tons of grows where the leaves are burned or yellowed or the plants are somehow fucked up. Your situation looks good!
It sounds like you've got a...
You could maybe;
Add a little dash of potassium with the nitrogen to keep the balance of N and K more even.
Make a Compost Extract, then water that in instead of top dressing the EWC. That way you get the microbes in the water of the extract, without the N from the actual castings.
Add some...
No, oyster shell won't work in place of crab meal. You need the Phosphorus (the P of the NPK) from the crab meal. The oyster shell doesn't have it.
If you can't find the crab shell, you could maybe use Bone Meal or Fishbone Meal at like 1/3 of the crab meal dose.
In place of the neem you...
Here's a long video where Harley Smith talks to a couple knuckle heads.
At about 7:30 Smith mentions tasting sap to get an idea of the Brix levels. And then using that info to decide how much nitrogen vs potassium to feed plants.
Around 12:30 Harley mentions that microbes in the soil will...
Pluck a leaf from near the top of one of your plants and taste the juicy sap from the petiole.
If it's acidic and sour there's too much nitrogen and your plant is busy dealing with the nitrogen, and not focused on getting super dank.
If it's sweet, everything is awesome, your Brix are high...
What has you so fired up about the line up of products? It kind of seems a lot like Advanced, many different expensive pieces vs just 2-3 bottles.
Also, where did these dudes come from? Is this company even a year old yet?
It's a nice "grow medium" for soilless grow styles that you add liquid nutrients to. Or a good base of peat moss with aeration and beneficial fungus to start with as you add stuff to build your own soil.
But no, it's not a Soil. You can't grow tweeds with that stuff alone.
I like silica and I like the Terp Tea, bit I've never put them together.
I think your grow plan (dry stuff first, then Bloom Booster just at the end) is good. Personally, I would mix some of the Uprising Bloom into some soil ahead of time. Then up-pot into that for the final transplant before...
Check out this post about timing your P/K from this thread last week.
"You want to break up the P and K into different products, if you're going to use them. P is for flower formation, K is for flower...
I agree that 12 is a tight fit.
After 2-3 weeks of vegging, maybe start to get rid of your smallest, runtiest plant. 1 each week until you're down to 9 nice plants.
Stragglers never seem to catch up and whack plants just take up space and effort that is better used on strong plants.
I checked out that little journal.
It looks like it got a little hot when you doubled up the nutes with Down to Earth mix and then your custom mix.
Have you got your process sorted out since then? Are you still using the pre-mix DTE blend and/or your own guano based mix?
I burned off a...