Those 1000W lights use a little more than 5A each if I recall. With 5 of them on a single circuit you're going to need to check some things.
1. Wire Size. With 25(+)Amp draw you'll need to have at LEAST #10 AWG copper. Caveat: If your wife and children live in this location with you then...
Another great Dustin Hoffman classic was 'Marathon Man'. And @Yessica... if you're looking for a classic that rivals your profile pic, check out 'Omega Man'. Its an old Charlton Heston flick....its bound to be a little corny by today's standards so try and imagine yourself back into 1971...
I mean seriously, only a crazy some-bitch would jump into the ocean onto a bag of coconut shells and HOPE the tides carries you to your destination. Apparently he made it though.
Tear a used paper plate in half to make a great pooper scooper for when your little canine buddies leaves you a little tootsie roll. Is that what we're shooting for here?
I agree Dustin Hoffman was GREAT in that movie. I really should have tiled it ...costarring in Papillion...but I think Steve was a bigger name at that time. Why what with Bullit and all. But yeah Loius Dega...both crazy as hell at the end. Solitary Confinement does that to a man. Christ...
So I dusted that one off and watched it again last night. Haven't seen it since like the '70s. I can't believe that bitch in the church turned him in. Fuckin rag-tag ole bitch.
Papillion is right. That plant is just now getting to the point where it should be going into that pot. It was a little slow going while the roots developed. Now that the roots are getting developed you need to feed it in the right ratios and she should grow like crazy.
Edit: My bad, Louis...
If you haven't named it yet I came up with a name thats a bit cheeky in a steam punk kinda way - queß². Pronounced Cube Squared. I suggested that for another fellow who came looking for a name for his unit. I don't think he decided to go with it. Not many google hits for queb and my thinking...
I grow 4' plants with 400W. You're growing seedlings. I would seriously consider putting them under a couple CFLs for a week and let the roots catch up to the foliage. You have way too much light for those little gals. @youngg is on to something as well, I hate rockwool and think that shit...