And consider a photo cell so users can option to differentiate light cycle from dark cycle. Minor enhancement major benefits.
We're into full blown controller now. Maybe a Raspberry PI to run it? A little POSIX on the back-end with a Java GUI. Screw it...put Tomcat and mySQL on it too for...
You didn't say all that. I thought you were pushing a little air out of a little bathroom in the basement or something....hmmmm...this changes things. @Dr. Who is right...REBOOT.
Holy shit why didn't I think of it sooner. SOLAR PANELS. Throw a couple of those in there and with tty's setup the power company will be paying you to grow. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
EDIT: Seriously, imagine lining a tent with flexible solar panel material...
I'd say she'll be fine for sure if she didn't snap. Even if she did snap and remained connected she'll likely be fine. If I were you I would move some soil from around the base and inspect it. If she snapped, just tape it up and prop it up, and she'll likely be just fine.
^^ I was going to suggest just that. A 4" duct with an inline fan be it 4" or 6" will move a considerable amount of air, especially if its forced. You'll be fine with just a 4" duct for what you're trying to do, well unless you're trying to vent a 800 square foot room through it. I'm...
One time - I drilled an 1/8 hole at a 45 degrees in the main stalk and then inserted my turkey injector filled with BlackBerry Jelly. Squeezed in a pretty good amount. Those buds are STILL sitting in a curing jar for when I'm completely out and need to fall back on hard times. Its labeled MK...
When I used to run a giant Salt Water aquarium it was SOP to quarantine EVERYTHING (even rocks) before it went into the tank. It was characterized as good fish husbandry. If you're going to be bringing rooted clones into your space maybe you should consider a small area to quarantine before...
Its all about $$. I make my own booze. Simply because its cheaper....WAY cheaper. I can make a gallon of 120 proof clear likkir for about $6.00 give or take. My wife and I drink alot so its worth it to me. As far as weed, same principal applies. My guess is that the industry will try to...
Well, I looked at that soil and its in Spanish so I can't do much with that. I mix my own and its pretty good, but it only lasts me about 4-6 weeks thru veg so I'm guessing your soil is about cashed. Based on just the ratios alone of the 2 you've mentioned if it were me I would go with the...