Vents completed oppen for like 2 day and this is the second day that I take the dome oof for 15 min and still good no sigh of sadness what you guys think
Day number 9 some more roots and some getting bigger what you guys recommended to get my clones use be out the dome I heard that take the dome for like 15 min every day any advises or recommendation thank you
Day 8 so exited good news some already showing roots on the rock wool for how long I need to live them rooting in the dome before I start to transplant them any info. Please
Day 7 on both domes one has 2 that are sad I don't know why and the rockwool it's no dry but no wet do you guys recommend to wet it more or live, still no sigh of roots on non of the dome any recommendations on the rockwool should I get more wet or live it like I said its no dry but not to wet...
Day 6 can't believe they look this good am starting to think that I left too much water in the rock wool when I did the clones that that why I was getting brown stem
Day number 3 on thw one thta I start with no dome yesterday they were some sad one so I put the dome and they came back up again so know am thinking on keeping the dome
I know am getting roots on the clone because when I pull them out the rockwool the clones have toots but they still die I got this pics. Hopefully they help
Ok this one so far so good but it's only been 2 days an am also spraying the leafs ones a day I been knowdessing that start going bad in the day 9 or 10