Y do u have to raise the lights when using this product? Like does it give it a growth spurt that late into flowering? I thought it jus denses things up. Any1 who uses this, ide love to hear ur feed bak about this product. But only users and experiences, no opinions in this thread plz
hey. thnx guys... ya im keeping it arond as a mom and flowering the clones... so if i start cutting now, shell be ok after the cuts and keep growing strong??? how many nodes should i leave under my cuts to insure a fast recovery as i need to cut every 3 weeks from her... as it seams to me that...
self titled... should i jus take a bit off the top and wait for her to fill out a bit b4 i start rippin clones or jus start rippin now... i jus dont wanna fuk up this mom or stunt her growth as i need cuttings evry 3 weeks... ifnot, how many nodes should i have b4 cutting to insure a plentiful...
thats y i perpetuate my harvests every 3 weeks... that way i always have nugs in the room to keep me company rather then looking at an empty room and waiting for it to fill bak up
my PH is 5.5-6.0.. i dont have a meter so i use a simple water sample PHer so exact reading cant be givin... im not talkin bout puttin perlite in my bucket.. im talkin bout filling a bucket with perlite and hand watering it like a hempy bucket
well theres not much to tell... its in a 5 gal tote covered with black and white to keep the light out... the res temp is at 18/66 degrees... they r in 3'' net cups with clay pelets and under a 400MH.. there is 2 tubs that have this slime.. 1s res is milky coulour and the other is cyrstal clear...
k so heres a few pics of her... shes big enuff now eh??? now like i said, theres 4 tops and 4 lowers so which1s will be my best choice for my mother, not the clone as i know the tops r my best bet as far as the clones r concernered... my main objective is to keep a happy, healthy, strong mom
no i dont have a pic... they have a creamy beige slime on them...i have been checkin PH everyother day... i have been cleanin my res and treating with peroixde but with all the cleanin, its wasting alot of nutes and thats y i want them outta there.. and then i wont have this issuse anymore... so...
thats what i was thinking but like i said, i did that to another mom and she ended up scragly... sure she has lots of shoots to cut from but none of them r thick and solid... all the thick and solid branches just harbour lil shoots that r thin and weak
ya i cloned it when i topped it... i only have 4 lower shoots that dont really look clone ready... im jus afraid if i take the lowers, new 1s wont take its place like when u cut it of the main stalk as it will induce more shoots(topping) but i dont wanna mangle my plant and end up with thin...
so putting it in dirt wont kill the root rot??? i know it wnt kill the plants... in my OP i meant that puttin it in dirt will kil the virus not the plant... i dont have soil nor do i wanna buy any i do how ever have massive amounts of perlite
K so I have decided to keep this TGA 3D as a mom. I topped it early to get 4 main branches. Now do I cut off the mains and use them or the new shoots comin outta the lower nodes? If I cut the mains then that will induce more shoots but I have done this in the past and ended up wit a mangled mom...