Update: Still battling the fungus gnats :(. Just put a layer of food grade DE on the soil so far so good..... I hope. I have a feeling Ima be battling fungus gnats throughout out the whole grow.
Lucky you! I talked to the bud tender at the collective and he said high cbd strains are harder to grow is that true? Maybe he just meant hard to breed.
Update on the high cbd strains I got. Harlequin and Charlotte's web both completely got rid of my anxiety any they taste amazing in the vaporizer. I like Charlotte's web for nighttime and harlequin to be more social.
Thanks for the advice that was just a rough estimate for now. I do have a jewelers microscope so that should work well. Got any pics of your nl x bb grows?
Never will I use synthetics for my plants. I was raised by one of those crazy organic people that buy EVERYTHING ORGANIC even towels. Yea that's what i was saying to just put the powder in the hole before transplant or mix it in.
How long does thc stay in the system for? I just started smoking again after quitting for a year and I have been vaping very small amounts. I probably vaporized and smoked 2 grams in the past 3 weeks and I only smoke the high cbd strains like harlequin and Charlotte's web. I keep pretty active...
Yea just put it on the roots or in the root hole. Make sure you have the right species also endo not ecto. You can also use it as a soil drench but I don't know how effective that is id have to do more research. I would also use this site to research the species in your product so you know what...