I just read that the fungus will eventually fruit so if you reuse the soil mushrooms will appear. It also says on wikipedia (not sure how accurate this is) that glomus intaradices is not in the glomus genus at all and should be renamed Rhizophagus intaradices.
Stay off all electronics at least 2 hours before sleep they mess up the balance of your body's biological sleep clock. I find that when I don't use electronics at all in a day I have no issues falling asleep. Find a strain high in cbn.
Gonna be taking photos from start to finish
Start date was may 5th and I currently plan to harvest on July 1st
This was a freebie seed. 9 days old from seed sprout
4 6500k 42 watt/2800 lumens per light.
I try to keep humidity between 50-70 mostly 70 throughout out the day and lower at night...
I cant explain why a young plant would show deficiency in a soil that carries a charge. I wasn't saying it was a deficiency I was just trying to help him find the problem but now that is solved :)
I read on another forum that certain species should be used for cannabis like Glomus Intraradices and Glomus Mosseae. If this is true what products should I use? What do you use and do you notice higher yields and healthier plants with those products?
I agree with whitbb2727 Start over but with an organic soil and organic nutrients cuse a lot of time with bottled nutes people have a lot of problems. Growing organic is much more simple in my experience so far.
Good luck man I too am on my first grow. 1 plant 6 cfls in my closet :). A word of advice from a fellow newbie.... grow organic don't use any of that chemical bottle shit from the hydro stores. Make your own soil. Since you growing so small I would just buy a good organic soil like black gold...
Are you using just straight peat moss? What are you using for nutes? I'm guessing your lights are far away from your plants? The purple stems could be cuse it was a cold upbringing same thing happened to my tomato plants but they recovered. I'm a total newbie too but I'm learning a shit ton from...
I would think that since pumpkin seeds are very high in phosphorus they would be great for the flowering stage of cannabis. Anyone tried this or any thoughts about it?