Search results

  1. Z. Hirsch

    Cannabinoids + Wim Hof breathing= BANG, anyone tried?

    Various techniques? How?
  2. Z. Hirsch

    POT by NOIDS has anyone got one/tried one?

    How many grams can you do with the hacks? I checked out Levo before, I didn't see how I could make potent oil out of it. With POT, I decarb 20g, then make some wax, in the end, I just need to add a bit oil back to the wax and make a small portion of very potent oil. I guess there is a difference...
  3. Z. Hirsch

    POT by NOIDS has anyone got one/tried one?

    A bit like Levo 2, does the same things, I think. Does Levo do ethanol extraction?
  4. Z. Hirsch

    POT by NOIDS has anyone got one/tried one?

    So far all good, heavy machine, feels high-quality stuff. I've only tried decarb and ethanol extraction, haven't tried the infusion yet. I got it full price, 298 Euro, 4 days ago. I still need to test the potency next week, see if the math is also right, but the filter design is brilliant.
  5. Z. Hirsch

    POT by NOIDS has anyone got one/tried one?

    What do you mean? it heats dry buds and oil to the right temps, and get decarb and infusion done. What do you want to know? I can actually make some pictures, I'm cooking with it right now.
  6. Z. Hirsch

    Cannabinoids + Wim Hof breathing= BANG, anyone tried?

    Here is the thing, yesterday, out of boredom, I tried the Wim Hof breathing method when I was high. It hit me. That was the most relaxing feeling I've ever got in the last couple of years. It was a burning sensation all over the body, and after that, forehead muscle relaxation that lasted for a...
  7. Z. Hirsch

    CBD Oil and dry flower

    No problem, cheers!
  8. Z. Hirsch

    CBD Oil and dry flower

    Well, not molding money, the chip is actually cut out, but it is the most expensive part in a soup maker. So...
  9. Z. Hirsch

    CBD Oil and dry flower

    I actually suspect that Magical Butter, when relabeling a ready soup machine (or soja machine popular in China), applied the machine's "keep-warm" function directly to infusion... because changing the control-chip inside would cost molding money. Or else I really cannot come up with a logical...
  10. Z. Hirsch

    CBD Oil and dry flower

    160 F, that's 71,111°C, for infusion, I don't see anything getting burnt at this temp, even when it is 4 hours heating. Not sure about the 140 one, it feels a bit too low to me. I am not aware that MCT would have any different effect on the infusion. You care about bioavailability, hahah, full...
  11. Z. Hirsch

    CBD Oil and dry flower

    Stop smoking, start eating, good choice for getting the most out. Are you worried that cooking in MCT would somehow render your CBD ineffective? Where does your worry come from? What's your cooking temp and time in MCT?
  12. Z. Hirsch

    CBD versus CBG - and personal examples of CBD/CBG oil help

    What is the strain? Do you have a link to it? I live in the Netherlands, I like Zamnesia. How do you get the CBG out of that plant?
  13. Z. Hirsch

    CBD isolate powder and tollerance build up

    hahaha seems you have drowned all your CB receptors with a sea of THC.
  14. Z. Hirsch

    CBD versus CBG - and personal examples of CBD/CBG oil help

    I've been following CBG for a while, the things is, it can be very effective, but at this stage, science needs to catch up with explanations. In, there are 385 search results for "cannabidiol", only 24 for "cannabigerol", it tells how much we actually know about something as a...
  15. Z. Hirsch

    CBD Oil and dry flower

    Cheers, OCD here, too. It is quite doable to maximize the activation of CBD at home, it is just nowadays there are too much contradictory info and too little explanation out there. About activation of cannabinoids in general, there is a spectrum of temp+time set that could work. The problem is...
  16. Z. Hirsch

    Coconut Oil Decarb

    Hey Pal, It matters a bit but doesn't need to be precise, anywhere between 80 - 100 °C for about 2 - 3 hours is good. Infusion happens faster at a higher temp, it just saves you time.
  17. Z. Hirsch

    CBD isolate powder and tollerance build up

    That's unusual, CBD is famous for not building up any tolerance. What's your dose?
  18. Z. Hirsch

    CBD Oil and dry flower

    hmmm, I can only see the THC temp is okay here. The rest are weird numbers, cause first of all, CBN doesn't decarb... it doesn't have an acid form in nature to start with. secondly, at 280°F (140°C), CBD decarbs fully after 12 min. Continuous heating at 140 °C will just burn CBD into something...
  19. Z. Hirsch

    does cbd oil work for you?

    Hey, what you have is tough. I'm curious why would you use CBD when you know Sativa works? The price of CBD oil is not normal. I grow my own CBD plant, and make CBD oil for my mum. It works on her back pain, but her pain is caused by mild muscle inflammation.