Coconut Oil Decarb


Well-Known Member
I’ve seen a bunch of variations on decarbing, I tend to bake 40mins at 240 in the oven and then use a double boiler to infuse for a few hours. If it’s already decarbed, does the temp when in the double boiler matter?

I just did my first infuse using the double boiler method. Used 7grams and 1/2 cup coconut oil. Infused for 2 and a half hrs at a steady 170F. No mason jars. Hope it works. Think I used too much oil

decarbed at 250f for 35min....I’m gonna decarb at lower temp next time to see differences
I’ve seen a bunch of variations on decarbing, I tend to bake 40mins at 240 in the oven and then use a double boiler to infuse for a few hours. If it’s already decarbed, does the temp when in the double boiler matter?


Hey Pal, It matters a bit but doesn't need to be precise, anywhere between 80 - 100 °C for about 2 - 3 hours is good. Infusion happens faster at a higher temp, it just saves you time.