does cbd oil work for you?

Does CBD Oil work for you

  • yes

    Votes: 20 60.6%
  • no

    Votes: 13 39.4%

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Well-Known Member
so, I purchased some extremely expensive, highly rated CBD oil from the Vitamin shop a few weeks back. I believe it is Garden of Life brand. I've got degenerative disc disease, arthritis in my lower back, and already have had 1 back surgery for a herniated disc at the age of 27. For some reason, CBD oil and high cbd strains do absolutely nothing for me or my pain and inflammation. Even potent indica strains dont do much except make me tired and drowzy, but I can smoke certain Sativa's and my pain melts right away. Just wondering what others experiences are. It's snake oil in my opinion.
so, I purchased some extremely expensive, highly rated CBD oil from the Vitamin shop a few weeks back. I believe it is Garden of Life brand. I've got degenerative disc disease, arthritis in my lower back, and already have had 1 back surgery for a herniated disc at the age of 27. For some reason, CBD oil and high cbd strains do absolutely nothing for me or my pain and inflammation. Even potent indica strains dont do much except make me tired and drowzy, but I can smoke certain Sativa's and my pain melts right away. Just wondering what others experiences are. It's snake oil in my opinion.
Recently I found an advertisement for a brand of Tommy Chong promoted CBD. They provide some insight into why some cbd products may or may not work. It's USD$50 for two small bottles.
Have you tried edibles for your pain?
I suggest cooking or baking your own, and making sure to decarb at a higher temperature to breakdown down the compounds into CBN.
If the sativas are working for you, stick with it.
People are different, same goes for different kinds of pain. When I first started with a pain clinic the doctor starts you on a drug that has the best results over a lot of patients, darn, doesn't work on you. So then he tries the next one, and goes through the list till he finds something that works. Marijuana is also not a single chemical drug. When I started the doctor suggested that I mix some THC with the CBD as the two together work better than just the one. He also said that my kind of pain, purely neuropathic, responds well to marijuana. I can use straight CBD but it needs to be a higher amount than if I us a combination of the two. I have taken a good dose of CBD and I was reminded what life was like before my condition started. Hopefully I can grow enough to keep me there.
I would suggest trying CBD Hemp flower from an actual company who is known for quality CBD hemp flower (Berkshire CBD is one I've ordered from). Oils work for my wife, but they do nothing for me, but the flower I've purchased from them does work for me. The flower smokes and vapes well and tastes great. I even mix it in with my home grown to give me a more mellow high when I'm not in the mood to get blasted.
CBD does absolutely nothing for me I've ingested and Vaped grams of broad-spectrum in full spectrum distillate as well as isolate it never felt anything. When i8 a couple grams of CBD isolate it upset my stomach and I felt a little nauseous other than that nothing
Which brings up my little story. I was told about getting a medical prescription for marijuana, found a supplier, paid way too much for the stuff, what the heck see if it works. Around 20% CBD, no THC. Smelt ok, broke up a bud, rolled it, sparked it up. Went down like I remembered (It has been many years since I smoked), exhaled, smoked the whole joint (thin one), looked around, said to myself, "I got ripped off.", as if I bought this 20 years ago.

Yeah I was not suppose to get high but I never smoked anything and didn't get at least a hint of a buzz. It did reduce my pain though, exactly what I wanted. I do need to try the edibles, I would rather not have to vape every couple of hours.
I would suggest trying CBD Hemp flower from an actual company who is known for quality CBD hemp flower (Berkshire CBD is one I've ordered from). Oils work for my wife, but they do nothing for me, but the flower I've purchased from them does work for me. The flower smokes and vapes well and tastes great. I even mix it in with my home grown to give me a more mellow high when I'm not in the mood to get blasted.
I got high cbd strain from the dispensary here. It made me so spaced out and stupid. Not a fa .
so, I purchased some extremely expensive, highly rated CBD oil from the Vitamin shop a few weeks back. I believe it is Garden of Life brand. I've got degenerative disc disease, arthritis in my lower back, and already have had 1 back surgery for a herniated disc at the age of 27. For some reason, CBD oil and high cbd strains do absolutely nothing for me or my pain and inflammation. Even potent indica strains dont do much except make me tired and drowzy, but I can smoke certain Sativa's and my pain melts right away. Just wondering what others experiences are. It's snake oil in my opinion.
Ive never used it at a dose that I would know. I feel like CBD oil is something i would need to eat grams of or use grams of as a topical to know if it has any affect. The whole dosing it out in milligrams like its a drug is what makes it snake oil.
Eating decarboxylated hemp is pretty cool. 1.5 grams gets me going. I am experimenting with decarboxylation in terms of temperature and time.
The high temperature i have used is 250F for 30 mins. Next, im going to try 280F for 60 mins.

Anyone offer input, please do
so, I purchased some extremely expensive, highly rated CBD oil from the Vitamin shop a few weeks back. I believe it is Garden of Life brand. I've got degenerative disc disease, arthritis in my lower back, and already have had 1 back surgery for a herniated disc at the age of 27. For some reason, CBD oil and high cbd strains do absolutely nothing for me or my pain and inflammation. Even potent indica strains dont do much except make me tired and drowzy, but I can smoke certain Sativa's and my pain melts right away. Just wondering what others experiences are. It's snake oil in my opinion.

if you have developed a tolerance to regular is very likely that CBD will do nothing for you.
If you really want to see if CBD helps, take a week or two off from weed/thc. After the week or two, try some CBD.
I bought and vaped cbd strains from multiple Oregon farms, trying to find something to suit a relative with cancer who doesn't like thc varietals: Garbage. Absolute trash. Mold and fungicides (am I the only person on earth who can smell those fucking fungicides?)

But I tried vaping some of it that wasn't sprayed, just kinda moldy. People online were saying the shit was "tasty" and helped them sleep. Bullshit. It made me wanna puke and felt like poisoned coffee, an uneasy anxious "heart in the neck" feeling. Like the isolated mythical bad part of weed that normies attribute to sativa/early harvest. Almost like smoking defoliated leaves at week 5,without the high.

Honestly, legalization has been a public NPC evaluation, nothing more. They've realized they can spray some fucking fruit scrap terpenes on a cat turd and sell it to most people, because most people aren't real humans.

The pain management you're seeking, most thc dom strains have it, if grown right. Meaning living soil with LAB. I get that spine numbing effect from most "Sativas" I grow but not all.
i use the tincture. cbd plus yoga fixed my l4-l5 herniation issue. mine was mild though; and it takes time for it to build up so to speak. 3 weeks of use for me before i noticed effects and 2 months of use i was 100% again

i do not notice the calming effects and it doesnt help me sleep. the people i know who have gotten relief from it were folks with arthiritis, mild back and neck pain, plantar fascisitis, and in general inflammation issues. it doesnt seem to help everyone but it does work in my experience but only the tincture (i never fucked with vaping)
so, I purchased some extremely expensive, highly rated CBD oil from the Vitamin shop a few weeks back. I believe it is Garden of Life brand. I've got degenerative disc disease, arthritis in my lower back, and already have had 1 back surgery for a herniated disc at the age of 27. For some reason, CBD oil and high cbd strains do absolutely nothing for me or my pain and inflammation. Even potent indica strains dont do much except make me tired and drowzy, but I can smoke certain Sativa's and my pain melts right away. Just wondering what others experiences are. It's snake oil in my opinion.

Hey, what you have is tough. I'm curious why would you use CBD when you know Sativa works? The price of CBD oil is not normal. I grow my own CBD plant, and make CBD oil for my mum. It works on her back pain, but her pain is caused by mild muscle inflammation.
Totally new to CBD myself. Grew a Cherry Wine plant this summer, harvested in October and made an avocado oil infusion. Tried a 24mg dose (that's an estimate, I haven't actually lab-tested my harvest so only have a ballpark idea of CBD content). Within the hour I had very noticeable body relaxation happening (this was at bedtime so the effect were coming on just as I was getting ready for sleep).

You may need to increase your dose? Also, based on my research, I infused both de-carbed and raw flower in the oil to get the full spectrum of compounds from the flower. That may be more effective than a CBD isolate.

I'd recommend growing your own flower or buying some and making your own oil out of it. Save $$$, more control over results.

Definitely a lot of snake oil stuff going on with CBD right now for sure. Caveat emptor.
I tried CBD oil for my anxiety and insomnia. A friend bought me a bottle from the smoke shop after expressing my concerns about the sleep. It works wonders. It doesn't get me high. It doesn't make me tired. But, it takes away my anxiety. I can sleep peacefully now without having to get high. Just half a dropper of CBD oil and I'm good. With the stress that causes my nightmares and sleeps issues gone, I can get a full night's rest. . I've found CBD oil to be helpful, been using it daily for about two weeks now.
Cbd works best for me in the a.m. it definitely loosens the body and clears the mind.
I find if I use cbd towards the evening, and while I'm not active, it gets me slightly anxious. Kinda like a sativa.
Smoking is the only method of ingestion where I have found cbd useful for my wrist pain. I’ve tried topicals and gummies and neither helped.
Smoking is the only method of ingestion where I have found cbd useful for my wrist pain. I’ve tried topicals and gummies and neither helped.
I know someone that only found pain relief from carpal tunnel via combustion - vaping nor ingestion provided any benefit. He used less than one gram per day of Dinamed CBD plus - micro dosing, using a small pipe.
Everyone is different and doses vary depending what is being treated. With pain/inflammation, talking it daily as a regiment seems best vs as needed - dose determined by self titrating.

My BIL sleeps on his back, snores and has to have the tv on. My sister takes a mere 6mg CBD about ten minutes before bed and now sleeps through his snoring.

A neighbour consumes 24mg CBD at night to keep her Crohn's disease controlled.

My mom uses about 20mg three times a day for her back surgery related pain.

I take about 20mg CBD at noon to help keep me tranquil. And 20mg THC before bed time.
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Totally new to CBD myself. Grew a Cherry Wine plant this summer, harvested in October and made an avocado oil infusion. Tried a 24mg dose (that's an estimate, I haven't actually lab-tested my harvest so only have a ballpark idea of CBD content). Within the hour I had very noticeable body relaxation happening (this was at bedtime so the effect were coming on just as I was getting ready for sleep).

You may need to increase your dose? Also, based on my research, I infused both de-carbed and raw flower in the oil to get the full spectrum of compounds from the flower. That may be more effective than a CBD isolate.

I'd recommend growing your own flower or buying some and making your own oil out of it. Save $$$, more control over results.

Definitely a lot of snake oil stuff going on with CBD right now for sure. Caveat emptor.
Here are the test results from my neighbour's cherry wine. Very fragrant and tough plant.Screenshot_20201222_224321.jpg
Here are the test results from my neighbour's cherry wine. Very fragrant and tough plant.View attachment 4775685
Interesting--thanks. I've been guessing 11% on mine but really not sure. Looks like your neighbor is at almoat 13%. Can be variables in growing environment, light, nutrients, etc. I've read of some Cherry Wine testing at 15% cbd.

You found the flowers fragrant during bloom or after dry and cure? Mine were earthy'/spicy on the plant but scent is more subtle and low-key jarred up. Still nice though. Not sure I smell cherries exactly...maybe black pepper.

Tough you say? Am a newbie grower but wouldn't argue--mine survived a late september windstorm that pretty well flattened the whole garden.