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  1. easyrider23

    Do These Look Fine To You?

    I read this whole thread and it's too bad you couldn't keep them going because you got busted for possession. You'll probably get slapped with probation? I'm currently on probation and I'm growing. If you want to try again you can. You'll just have to really plan it out. Guerilla growing might...
  2. easyrider23

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Delux83, your plants look good. Nice work. Hey, where did you get those potting containers that are like bags? Also, what do you call them? I've seen those before and I think they are neat and I'd like to get some. I bet they're much cheaper than buying regular clay or plastic containers.
  3. easyrider23

    Question about planting in Soil, seeds cracked, when to put under floresent light?

    Yea, I'm sure they'll rock hard. You're on your way to an exciting adventure in the wonderful land of weed growing. I'm on day 37 with my plants using CFLs and all is well.
  4. easyrider23

    Question about planting in Soil, seeds cracked, when to put under floresent light?

    They usually pop through the soil fast, most of the time within 24 hours. If you're keeping a close eye on them you can wait until you see them coming through to put the light on them, but it won't hurt to just put the light on them immediately after you plant. I'd recommend just putting them...
  5. easyrider23

    Compost pile of my own shit, use as fertalizer?

    I can understand one's rationale for thinking human feces would work, but actually it would be the worst thing. I don't think preservatives and food dye would be good for the plants. Human shit is too toxic to be any good. This has been an amusing thread though. Keep them coming. There's no such...
  6. easyrider23

    Have I totally messed up my grow?

    If the sprout is a candy cane, the purple part is probably at the top of the hook. When the seedling pushes through the soil the very top is bent. Then once it is on top, the small hook will straighten out. So, seeing how this seedling of yours is several days old now, I'd say leave the purple...
  7. easyrider23

    Bitch Slap your plants

    Yea, blowing on them is a good idea because you expel CO2 which the plants can use. This is why spending time with your girls is such a great idea, that and it really is fun to watch the grass grow.
  8. easyrider23

    OK, Size matters... but depth or girth???

    Hettyman, thanks. I just used plastic trash/garbage cans which weren't designed for growing. I made them usable by putting holes in the bottom. Yea, in general the bigger your pot or container the bigger your plant will be. 2 gallons is a a good start. If you can go bigger that would be great...
  9. easyrider23

    OK, Size matters... but depth or girth???

    If it's one or the other I'd say go with depth. You have to think about the tap roots that like to go deep. Girth is important too so I don't want to neglect it. My containers are approximately 16 inches deep by 9 inches long by 7 inches wide. This equals approximately 2 gallons of soil. I'm...
  10. easyrider23

    Will constant wind affect plant growth?

    Yea, keep the fan on low while it is a little seedling. As it gets bigger you can turn up the speed if you desire. Outdoors, even if the wind appears to be calm, there is still a slight or subtle breeze. So, definitely keep air circulating on or around your plant. Just make sure that air isn't...
  11. easyrider23

    Bitch Slap your plants

    Marlboro47, that's funny, sticking her head out the window. She probably has her tongue hanging out and everything like a good ole happy bitch dog. ha ha ha. The little kid in the minivan beside you is probably, saying something like mommy why does that man have his tomato plant hanging out the...
  12. easyrider23

    HowS it look (picture)

    Freakishlyyellow, my tips also look like the ones in the picture. I thought they were getting too many nutes. I'm glad to hear it's okay as long as it doesn't get any worse.
  13. easyrider23

    Had to kill plants...come grieve with me.

    Aw, that sucks. There's nothing worse than hearing about the death of MJ plants. Domestic disputes, landlords, water meter readers, maintainance men, and so forth are not very helpful when it comes to growing. I'm glad you're not in trouble though.
  14. easyrider23

    Bitch Slap your plants

    I don't know about any special tricks, but I'd make an educated guess that gradually increasing wind speeds or air flow would do the best job of making them super strong.
  15. easyrider23

    Have I totally messed up my grow?

    Mr.Marijuana420, yea, I agree. It isn't as hard as some people make it out to be. Starting seeds is actually pretty darn easy. Even if a person makes a few mistakes the seedlings will usually still pull through.
  16. easyrider23

    Stealthy Way to grow

    Yea, growing weed can be time consuming. Though it is time well spent and it is a lot of fun, others may not understand. Sometimes I have a hardtime sneaking away each day to simply raise the lights on 5 plants and do the daily inspection.
  17. easyrider23

    Need advice now!!!!!!!! Please help

    If it's medical personal and you have a license or whatever I wouldn't sweat it at all. I myself am growing illegally in a state that is not weed friendly whatsoever, actually it is the most conservative red state in the U.S. barring Mississippi. I have a tendency to project that everyone else...
  18. easyrider23

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Okay, a ph test kit isn't a bad idea. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks guys.
  19. easyrider23

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Bigby, thanks. Yea, the growth isn't too bad for cfls. I just put in some side lighting today. I'm just using tap water that has sat for at least 24 hours prior to watering. So I don't know the specific PH. My soil has time release nutrients. More than likely this is the problem. I've noticed...
  20. easyrider23

    Need advice now!!!!!!!! Please help

    You'd think that he would say something about it if he knew or if he knew and didn't agree with what you're doing. There's also a good chance that he didn't see the plants. People can get tunnel vision in crisis situations and not pay too much attention to their surroundings. It's your call, but...