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  1. gezzy da snowman

    What's being high from a vape like?

    if its a volcano the high is intense i almost wrecked my car after my first encounter with that animal but its 600 dollars so get a loan for a grand from the bank because you are going to run 400 dollars of weed through it real fast
  2. gezzy da snowman

    i smoke way too much

    i bet the 1/8 you buy dont cost 60 dollars a pop i aint a baller so the situation sucks... oh well yea i got a bubbler 3 bongs a vape and countless pipes..... it hard to break the pattern of smoking every hour when you can... :wall:
  3. gezzy da snowman

    best auto?

    short stuff= o smell ak47 best yield i am telling you guys get lowlife lemon skunk i got a lil under a zip per plant
  4. gezzy da snowman

    i smoke way too much

    ok so it may be my age but my friends and i have an unusual tollarance to good tree and as a result we kill 8ths in like 2 -3 days i am sry but i love being high for breakfast lunch and dinner but seriously its getting redicilous any ideas how i can slow down i am open to thoight
  5. gezzy da snowman

    Any Idea On Stoppin Drug Dogs From Finding Your GRow

    to throw off a drug dog if he is sniffing your stuff is to make the entire object that is beging searched to smell of mj if its a grow house or a stash house take your seeds and steams grind them up into a fine dust and sprinkle it around the house this way the dog thinks the house is made of...
  6. gezzy da snowman

    autoflower smoker report

    ok i wanted to post a few auto smoke reports because i believe info should be shared ak47 lowryder: smooth but very narcotic smoke put most newbies and females to sleep lowlife lemon skunk: the best auto in my book bag appeal is a 8, the smoke its self is a real brain buzz def worth the...
  7. gezzy da snowman

    anyone playing NFS shift on ps3 online wanna race?

    ctksnowman add it i play all the time
  8. gezzy da snowman

    best auto?

    no auto will compare to the real ak i loved the lemon skunk and my buddy did auto chem dog kush it didnt yield as much but it was a great smoke i am going to try hindu kush next or auto great white shark... i stick to low life or low ryder they seem to outperform the others so far
  9. gezzy da snowman

    Autoflower variety grow

    looking good i got one girl who is at the same stage as yours and 3 others just finishing the sexing stage have you ever done short stuff i cant find a smoke report
  10. gezzy da snowman

    best auto?

    lemon skunk was awsome...... ak47xlowryder is a great but makes you sleepy any lowlife i have had nothing but greatness from them
  11. gezzy da snowman

    Using floresent in a Black Light???

    dont waste ur time u need real flo grow bulbs to make something nice happen there no more then 150 for the best one i would invest on it ur first harvest will pay for all your gear
  12. gezzy da snowman

    tripping for a weekend stright

    thanks guys you saved me a bunch of money with the cross-tolerance thing ill just roll for the first and trip face the 2nd
  13. gezzy da snowman

    tripping for a weekend stright

    ok my friends and i got to festivals all the time these days. they last the weekends, so i find my self in the stuation where i want to trip for both nights. the only problem is when you eat 5 hits of L the first night you have to eat like 10-13 to trip just as hard the 2nd. now a thought came...
  14. gezzy da snowman

    KWsmoke's short stuff #1 autoflower grow

    i got thoes beans working for me right now is sucks u can get feminized i first planted 3 back in september and i got one in the bloom now but another big fem on the way gl bro
  15. gezzy da snowman

    autoflower growing super slow

    ok i have one auto rocket fuel baby growing with 2 short stuff plants sharing the same light. the light is on for 18/6 and there all babies. now the problem is the rocket fuel is super tiny and growing super slow. does anyone know if the rocket fuel strain requires 12 12 to start out or is...
  16. gezzy da snowman

    Worst drug ever

    special k and salvia........... yea H is bad but i am a sucker for a mild dose of opiates every once in a while
  17. gezzy da snowman

    Whats your favorite Drug combination??

    best combo ever 6 hits of L, one E pill, 3 bowls with demons on the top and a 5mw green lazer..............oh yea we smoked bowls every half hr
  18. gezzy da snowman

    Starting Light Cycle for Autoflower

    Hi all i was just wondering what the best light cycle was to start seeds just planted in soil. I ran 18/6 the whole way through before and i wasnt sure if i shold give them more light since they are still underground?
  19. gezzy da snowman

    After using DMT

    just buy alot and keep smoking all night..... gl with that me and my buddies just passed out after 2 hrs