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  1. bobilu

    Now for the real test

    I'm really impressed with that monster. It looks like your gonna get at least a couple of OZ s. what kind of lighting are you using?
  2. bobilu

    how many plants have you fit under a 400 hps.

    I got same size area for my flowering chamber. I got twelve plants in there under one 400 watt hps. To tell you the truth I kinda hope that I have a couple of males, so I can have more room. Not only am I running out of horizontal space, I'm worried about the height. My plants have only been on...
  3. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    They look good and healthy:leaf: So how soon can you start taking clippings? I'm looking forward to growing a bunch more. Your right about the purple, it comes out from the new growth, off the main stem. looks bitching.
  4. bobilu

    Now for the real test

    That's one plant? your gonna need a machete to chop trough it when it's done. This is my first grow. I got some red diesel, master kush going now that are a couple of weeks old. I'll save a couple of mamas and try to clone um. I'd rather have my plants be bushy like yours. I'm starting to run...
  5. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    Definitely. Diesel seems to be a real hearty strain. Mine aren't growing to tall they seem to wanna grow bushy with big leaves.
  6. bobilu

    Now for the real test

    I've been feeding um 1/4 teaspoon of superthrive and half strength Schultz Bloom Plus 10-60-10. I don't fully understand the ppm thing yet so I'm taking it easy on the nutes for now. I haven't herd to much about the Schultz yet, but would like opinions.
  7. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    13 days old. Starting to fill out nicely.
  8. bobilu

    Advanced nutrients soil nutes?

    Any experience with Schutlz 10-60-10 for flowering?
  9. bobilu

    How much more efficient are digital ballasts?

    Smaller, quieter, Puts outs very little heat, more efficient and most setups you bye come with both bulbs
  10. bobilu

    Now for the real test

    Six days into 12/12. I think I see some signs of flowering. 41 days old from seedling. Can anybody tell me how to attach my pics as a thumbnail?
  11. bobilu

    the beauty of!

    Way cool. It does'nt look like a vine anymore.
  12. bobilu

    the beauty of!

    A little tall there, move your light as close as you can without burning your plant.
  13. bobilu

    ~~ Help Me Vent! ~~ stealth hid closet grow

    most of your newer Hid systems come with a digital ballast. They put out less heat and you can use Mh & Hps bulbs. Just look real close at the details.
  14. bobilu

    ~~ Help Me Vent! ~~ stealth hid closet grow

    I kinda agree with you justatoker, for most of your smaller grow rooms. The thing I don't understand is when you start having 1000.s of watt lights going how much outside air do you need. With all the heat that the mh/hps put out, how do you cool all the air inside the room. All a fan does is...
  15. bobilu

    ~~ Help Me Vent! ~~ stealth hid closet grow

    How ya plan on cooling those lights? They put out a lot of heat.
  16. bobilu

    extractor before or after cooltube ?

    I'm getting ready to hook up two more 600 watt hps for my flowering chamber. That fan I got (449 cfm) will be scrubbing my whole room which is 640 square feet and cooling two 400 watt mh, two 600 hps. This is trial and error for me. I'm sure that I'll be tweaking it here and there thanks to all...
  17. bobilu

    extractor before or after cooltube ?

    The fan that I got a the bottom does two things for me. It draws cooler air from the bottom of my room (lowers my air temps a little) and on the inside of my flowering chamber I have it hooked up to 4" duct which blows air to the bottom of my plants. I had a real problem with heat when I first...
  18. bobilu

    extractor before or after cooltube ?

    I pull air through my filter, sent it through my lights, vent the hot air out my ceiling. I have a small fan blowing air from bottom into my chamber. then I vent it back to my filter. I'm a newb and not I'm done with my setup yet but seems to work.
  19. bobilu

    Also live in 805. Nice to know you got a neighbor

    Also live in 805. Nice to know you got a neighbor
  20. bobilu

    Send your regard for fire victims & riu brothers in victoria australia

    Live in Cali, we had a pretty bad fire season this year, so I can empathize with you. Nothing compared to what's happening down under though. Here's hoping for better days ahead:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:.