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  1. bobilu

    G13 labs Pure power, white widow, and Power skunk

    Hey kurtz you bummed me out. You make it seem like it's not even worth the time. I guess it might be true what they say about free shit.
  2. bobilu


    Absolutely. I made the mistake of getting two 400 wt. For a few extra bucks I should have gotten the 600 wt.
  3. bobilu

    omfg HELP@!!!@

    Your mg soil should be good as long as it was inside and didn't get wet. All I've used is mg, no problems with nute burn so far.
  4. bobilu

    electricicy bill goes up >450!!??

    I think it a good idea. Maybe you got defective ballasts or something like that. It would be kind of hard to steal your electricity with out seeing some wires coming out of the main breaker box, or extension cords.
  5. bobilu

    White widow!!!!!!!!!

    Good looking grow you got there. You diffidently look like you know what doing.
  6. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    Hey man I didn't no what you meant by it. I wasn't trying trying to be an asshole. It came out wrong. Still pretty new to this shit.
  7. bobilu

    G13 labs Pure power, white widow, and Power skunk

    My freebies are all doing pretty good. The seeds were kinda small, but I didn't think it really mattered.
  8. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    Chill out dude. what's your problem?
  9. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    hell to the.... ya nkee? ya asshole? ya ba daba doo? :confused:
  10. bobilu

    Lights on or lights off for harvest

    I like your seance of humor their Rob.
  11. bobilu

    TO CHECK OUT: white widow 7th week of flowering with pics

    Looking good there asrultraz. Got some ww going myself. Hey is that Joe Luis in your second pic?
  12. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    Gonna try cloning on my next grow. Beans are to expensive.
  13. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    I hope so there dragonbud. When I was looking to buy some beans on Attitude I was just scrolling down looking for the sweetest looking bud that I could find = Red Diesel
  14. bobilu

    Bottled Water

    It takes ten to fifteenth drops of ph down per gallon just to get my tap water to the right ph. I let the water sit out at least 24 hours to get rid of the chlorine and to bring it up to room temps. So it's not really worth using my tap water. I buy distilled water and it only takes 1 or 2 drops...
  15. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    9 days old. First feeding.
  16. bobilu

    G13 labs Pure power, white widow, and Power skunk

    The six freebies I got all germed and are doing great, in fact their doing better than some of the beans I bought. The one in the back is Pure Power and is the biggest seedling that I have.
  17. bobilu

    (BARNEY'S) Red Diesel

    8 days old
  18. bobilu

    please help me with hps purchase...please lol

    I bought my light systems 400 hps/mh at Sun light sheds. Look at my thread (Now for the real test) I have my 12 plants on 12/12. I vegged for little over a month using 400 watt MH. Then when I switched to 12/12 started using 400 watt HPS. This is my first grow so I'm kinda learning as I go.
  19. bobilu

    please help me with hps purchase...please lol

  20. bobilu

    Now for the real test

    Been trying to line up my pics from left to right, can't seem to figure it out.