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  1. Z

    HELP! I THINK ITS A MALE!!! picture

    I switched to 12/12 about a week and a half ago i think i see balls and i just want some conformation please comment. Thanks for the help!
  2. Z


    Have you ever grown either? If so please let me know how they performed and how the smoke was! thanks!
  3. Z

    1st grow, 21 days from seed! Look at pics and comment please!

    Hey guys, im new to the grow scene but ive been researching for months now. These 2 are bag seeds that were from very good smoke so it should be good. Im using the following : 125 watt 5500k 2x 23 watt 6400k 2x 42 watt 2700k FFOF with 20 percent perlite in it. Temp and rh are 75-80 and...
  4. Z

    Does this plant look okay?

    This plant sprouted 12/25 and its growing well. The only thing that i have yet to do is ph the soil, as my meter and up/down is on its way. Its growth is rapid but its weird. The first set was one leaf, the second was 4, one side leaf of both sets split into two. The third set is 7 with 1 or 2...
  5. Z

    Whats wrong with this plant?

    that makes sense that ffof is strong for seedlings/new plants. Should i mix my own soilless to start from seed next time? what do you recommend? i would like to stick with soil idk why. Any soil that has none whatsoever? light burn cant be a problem, i have a 125watt cfl 6500k with reflector...
  6. Z

    Whats wrong with this plant?

    its FFOF straight up. Im not sure if fox farms puts time release neuts in it. Does it?
  7. Z

    Whats wrong with this plant?

    i only water when i need to and the temp is controlled by a thermostat and a small heater. under light is 76 and room is 73. RH is 30-40% i think its a high ph but idk i hope someone can agree/disagree with that.
  8. Z

    Whats wrong with this plant?

    im thinking is a ph problem but i have no idea. I have a meter and up/down kit on the way. anyone else have advice?
  9. Z

    Whats wrong with this plant?

    its being weird and ima newbie please help.
  10. Z

    newbie question

    okay so i have a plant that was in a pervious post and the verdict was that my ph is off. My meter and up/down are on the way here. Can i take distilled water and just flush the soil to get a 7 ph untill then? Would that be smart? will i over water?
  11. Z

    1st timer, i think i have a mutant?

    Thanks for the support guys. Bought a ph meter and ph up/down. The seeds are bagseeds nothing special, waiting for a few greenhouse co strains to come in the mail as well. I agree with the pots but they were in solo cups and root bound already so i transplanted them. So let me get this...
  12. Z

    1st timer, i think i have a mutant?

    okay thank you very much, will go purchase a ph meter. Should i get a water or soil ph meter? i water with only distilled water.
  13. Z

    1st timer, i think i have a mutant?

    hey guys new to growing and this website. i started growing about 2 weeks ago. my setup is, 125watt 6500k cfl FFOF GH Flora series small humidifier small heater controlled by thermostat. small clip on fan 1 plant seems to be doing very well. The other one has gatta be a mutant or something. the...