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  1. C

    2013 Outdoor Bagseed Grow

    Another trick that I started using this year to keep pests away is dog hair. I brush the ol' mutt and put his hair around the plants. Works well..if you have a dog. I let him piss on the outside of the pots too. So far so good, and I ALWAYS lose some to rabbit/deer etc.
  2. C

    Can you tell the sexn

    What he said
  3. C

    Clone Vs. Seed (Late crop)

    There are lots of variables though.. Size? Age? I suppose whichever plant is bigger, will have the bigger yield. If they are all ready then just throw them all outside!
  4. C

    Clone Vs. Seed (Late crop)

    Are the clones rooted and taking off?? Then grow the clones. Fuck starting seeds in july. If you are just about to take the cuts, then take them big and give them proper conditions so they will root quickly. Best chance to get any kind of harvest from a couple 'late bloomers'
  5. C

    BeastGrow's 2013 Outdoor Midwest Guerilla Grow Journal

    Looking good Beast. Very nice looking plants. Sweaty lens haha, you getting some of this crazy ass heatwave too?? My girls are just loving it too. Good luck this year man.
  6. C


    Normally it would be fine to top them now. But since its budding, I would leave it alone. Less chance of stunting the plant when it counts. Why are they budding so early? not even 4 weeks old outdoors? Shouldn't have those little nugs yet unless its an auto.
  7. C

    I found someone elses plants. What to do?

    Agreed. There are already so many variables that can fuck your crop. Your chances of actually harvesting anything this year will be much better if you just move.
  8. C

    Outdoor grow '13

    No prob. Good luck, those plants look sweet.
  9. C

    I found someone elses plants. What to do?

    Just move your plants into the other persons garden. Everyone knows real guerilla growers are kind, understanding, and helpful folk. Especially when they meet strangers in the woods. They'll probably water them for you when your not around and you can look after each others plants. Then...
  10. C

    Outdoor grow '13

    If it were me I would just get them the fuck out of there ASAP. Do it at night, and move them far away on a totally different piece of land. Who cares if you are filmed as long as the cops aren't waiting there for you. Wear a mask if it makes you feel better. If you want an outdoor...
  11. C

    Ding-A-Ling Mans Guerrilla Grow-60 Gallon Smart Pots

    Can't wait to see those pics. With all this rain they're probably starting to take off. Are you topping any of them, or doing any LST?
  12. C

    what will become of this????

    Those plant look awesome. And you grew them under CFL's too? Really nice budz man, I'd keep that shit goin fer sure.
  13. C

    can someone clear this up

    Agreed. I am close enough to you to know that you do indeed have plenty of time.. Seasons just getting started around here. Plenty of time to grow a monster!
  14. C

    I CANNOT find a spot to grow!

    Ya I think most would agree... The park thing is a bad idea man. PARK = OTHER PEOPLE not cool. It would only increase your chances of getting fucked over one way or another this year. Find some vacant forest thats been for sale forever. Overpriced land will sit for a long time and no...
  15. C

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Holy fuk mon! lovin the greenhouse nice plants!
  16. C

    Ding-A-Ling Mans Guerrilla Grow-60 Gallon Smart Pots

    That blows man, you had a sweet head start when mother nature fucked us with that blast of cold. I was lucky enough that mine snapped out of it too. Musta been a weak strain like you said. Though I didn't quite have minus 2.......
  17. C


    Don't worry about the cops... They have better things to do than bust some dude with 4 plants. If nobody else goes to your spot then you are good to go.
  18. C


    ell Well give it a shot then. With 4 plants, the choppers wont fuck with you, just don't put them together in a clump if possible. Just hope you can water them enough and no one takes them.
  19. C


    Ya, don`t worry about choppers then, worry about other people.
  20. C


    Sounds like you might be growing to close to people.. They`ll smell that walking by in september....