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  1. 16PLANTS

    deformed clones , Only I could do this !

    Anybody want to take a stab at whats going on with these clones ? Let me explain what I did may help............... On my first grow which turned out great by the way, I was pruning a bunch off bottom limbs that had just started to bud just a little and they look so nice I decided to take...
  2. 16PLANTS

    Male plant or hermy ? panic !

    Bahaha I was wondering that my self . I already pulled 2 plants a couple days earlier and yes they went from a suspicious looking to bang balls in about 28 hours. Bear in mind this is my second grow and no males on the first grow, so its my first experience with ID ing them. And I only germed...
  3. 16PLANTS

    Male plant or hermy ? panic !

    New report, I see a few hairs turning on a few buds the ones closes to the male culprit . So even if a few buds were affected I wont lose my hole crop ? only the buds that got hit I assume ? ............. dirty rotten X0X0XX0X00X0X0XXX ..........JUST VENTING ! think I need a mood...
  4. 16PLANTS

    Male plant or hermy ? panic !

    Thanks for that information, there remains hope :clap: I misted again and shook them of gently again last night and will be watching. Still befuddled ending up with 5 male plants when only 2 seeds were free regulars no clue were the others came from since I buy only female beans. wont be...
  5. 16PLANTS

    making colloidal silver solution first time

    Ya I know your right , it would be easier to buy it . But I am into all this home made stuff......... make my own wine , whiskey :mrgreen:, brandy, liqueurs, smoked fish, kielbasa sausages ,cloning machine etc. so had to give the silver generator a try :)
  6. 16PLANTS

    Male plant or hermy ? panic !

    Ok the deed is done. How long until I will know if any damage is done ? looks like about 3 opened up. thanks for the tip to spray them down Beech !!
  7. 16PLANTS

    Male plant or hermy ? panic !

    Shit :wall: worst night mare , with all the fans I run in that room I am toast ! cant believe I did that :wall::wall: ..........I am gona run up there right now and kill the light 2 hours early and spray the crap out them. hope for the best:?
  8. 16PLANTS

    Male plant or hermy ? panic !

    First time males poped up or these girls changed there mind ! I check my grow morning and night and the first time I mist the bed time story's Bang over 1 1/2 days I got blossoms going on !! sounds crazy but these plants were growing 1 1/2 to 2 inches a day. these were in my bud room to...
  9. 16PLANTS

    making colloidal silver solution first time

    Cool, that's good news might get some balls yet !!8-) totally stoked about making some fem seeds on next grow.
  10. 16PLANTS

    making colloidal silver solution first time

    Up date : Well have bin treating a couple lower buds/limbs now for 10 days . flowering has started but no sign of any balls.....:sad:..... bummer I was hoping to get a few my solution must be to week !
  11. 16PLANTS

    cloned budding cuts, weird looking

    Ok , I may as well keep going on them since there almost there. Thanks for the reply man !
  12. 16PLANTS

    cloned budding cuts, weird looking

    Yes I am a begginger at all this so help me out if you can. trying to figure out a method to work for my grow isn't that easy. My first grow turn out realy well with 1.6 pounds on 12 plants. I do a legal grow of 30 plants some veg some budding so I don't go over that. So Knowing I wanted to...
  13. 16PLANTS

    Club 600

    The results are in 600 growers, made it through my first grow with 12 plants from beans on 3 lights, 4 white widow, 4 violator kush (the most yield at 11.86 oz) 3 super silver haze, 1 kurlax shunk.......... final tally is 1.64 pounds;-) !! I am pretty happy with that ........... All the work...
  14. 16PLANTS

    harvest 4 female , 1 seed ?

    Cool , be keepin an eye out for more of those !! thanks for the reply man
  15. 16PLANTS

    harvest 4 female , 1 seed ?

    Anybody know whats up with that? Is that weird to get 1 seed on a female plant ? Its rather large also. I assume it would produce a female plant if I germ it ? I was wishing I could have kept a mother plant of that strain (violator kush)it did really well but wasn't set up for it yet maybe...
  16. 16PLANTS

    Breeding for beginners

    Ya I think my head hurts to !!! But I think I'll endure the pain ....... forgive me for jumping into your tread but this is very interesting stuff. Bin following and want to learn some basic's on making my own good quality fem seeds. I started treating a couple plans with SC to give it a...
  17. 16PLANTS

    making colloidal silver solution first time

    thank you Mreduck for that insight , I have another question on safety since reading more . Seems a difference in opinion from different treads on the subject of using any bud off plants treaded with sc . I have treaded some lower limbs on a couple plants, does that mean I should not use the...
  18. 16PLANTS

    making colloidal silver solution first time

    Hey thanks for the reply's, that was very helpful !! I will look up that tread . I did get a lot of large particles with the 36 volts , I let it work for 2 hours stirring occasionally the 50 cent coins developed a film over them in that time then stained it through a coffee filter to get out...
  19. 16PLANTS

    making colloidal silver solution first time

    HI all you advanced growers !!! anyone into this making fem seeds ? I just build a STS generator to make my own solution. its out there now burning up 2 pure 1955 pure silver 50 cent pieces !!! (not sure thats cost affective) any way I read several good treads pertaining to this...
  20. 16PLANTS

    Club 600

    600 club checking in.......... with some pic's of my first harvest and one nice double topped bud drying. Cant complain , will see what the 12 plants weigh in at when cured. yahoo I did it !! Ok I am a little happy :mrgreen: thank for all the help guys and gals