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  1. 16PLANTS

    New 8 in charcoal filter, push or pull air into it?

    Man that dam fan is noisy !!! good thing my shop is away from my house and live in a remote area on a few acre's. I can legal grow 15 plants but still don't want people to know about it ...........just saying
  2. 16PLANTS

    worried about shock from T5 to HPS first grow

    Thanks guys, a little feed back = peace of mind going into this move is helpful ..........It's funny how you get attached to these ladies...... and not want harm to come to them :weed:................... peace and well being to you all !!
  3. 16PLANTS

    worried about shock from T5 to HPS first grow

    Holy crap you guys got me paranoid being a newbee and all, bin reading some of the treads on problems you are all having with bugs. Hmmm... may as well get some sprays in advance and be ready for them :cry: . Take a look at these girls do they look ok ? 3- white widow x big bud and 3 violator...
  4. 16PLANTS

    3 gal pots are big enough?

    Thanks all for the good insight and pic's, I transplanted today into the 3 gal pots . My plants are about 10" tall with exception of one that's bin ahead of everyone else from the get go. I used a mix of regular ace potting soil 2/3 and ace steer manure 1/3 . water with Dnya grow per...
  5. 16PLANTS

    3 gal pots are big enough?

    I am just getting going with my new grow room and want to thank everyone for the input and help to get me going. I just wanted to check to make sure before I transplant my 10 girls that 3 gallon pots are big enough. That's what I have read anyway there ok. anybody have different take on that ...
  6. 16PLANTS

    New 8 in charcoal filter, push or pull air into it?

    Sorry got off topic a little there..... :weed: their were back on :weed:
  7. 16PLANTS

    New 8 in charcoal filter, push or pull air into it?

    I agree . it is so helpful to have good people who want to help each other when they can !!! what goes around comes around I tend to say !! My neighbor is building a new house , I' am retired from construction but I did his concrete foundation for free (Labor and know how) this week end get...
  8. 16PLANTS

    New 8 in charcoal filter, push or pull air into it?

    OK ....right on ....... thanks for the replies .......... you guys are great !!!
  9. 16PLANTS

    New 8 in charcoal filter, push or pull air into it?

    Thanks bush lover for the quick response, that will work I want to pull into the filter inside the room then out the wall of my 12x12 room. thanks man !!
  10. 16PLANTS

    New 8 in charcoal filter, push or pull air into it?

    No I haven't binbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie need a little help, just open the box on my new 8 in filter/fan set up and no instructions :twisted: never set one up before and it struck me are we pulling air into the filter or pushing it out ? does it matter ? Hmmmm anyone wana make me...
  11. 16PLANTS

    Generator Question

    Bad idea, I run gen sets of all sizes in construction for 30 yrs. everyone is giving you good advice nix the idea unless you have lotta extra cash for fuel and its the only way you can weed on the planet !! step up to a 5000 watt unit you would be really working a 3500 watt unit under that...
  12. 16PLANTS

    this new environment monitor might be useful

    Wow , that's cool I could monitor my grow room in my shop from my house , I like it !!!
  13. 16PLANTS

    new 12x12 room air tight Co2 need help

    Yes this is my first grow , thank you machead for the sound advice , as well as everyone else your all very helpful. ya I think I will need a split air to be safe, I didn't find the info on the split air till after I ordered a dehumidifier should be here in a couple days. my budget for this room...
  14. 16PLANTS

    new 12x12 room air tight Co2 need help

    Ok thank you very much mjjabel for that very to the point advice. I have read what you are saying and seen video's of a wonderful garden done this way. I have some things about this air tight room and my set up that gives me cause for concern. Like the pilot light on (with no plants in the room)...
  15. 16PLANTS

    new 12x12 room air tight Co2 need help

    Hey thanks for all the reply's and input, as a point of interest I have no plants in the room yet so there is no Co2 being used sorry should have mentioned that , trying to get the room tuned in before My baby girls go in there !!! that's why I was concerned with the Co2 gen. Cant shut off...
  16. 16PLANTS

    new 12x12 room air tight Co2 need help

    I know I will have some bugs to work out , but....0......fresh air Hmmmmm , I did a test on the room set the co2 to shut off at 1500 ppm which it did then I left the pilot light on over night and the room was 3235 ppm in the morning. I don't know the numbers on what each plant uses when...
  17. 16PLANTS

    new 12x12 room air tight Co2 need help

    Hi everyone I am new here and new at growing :leaf:, but not to gardening. I was wondering if any of you could shed some light on my fresh air venting in this grow room I built. 12x12 well insulated and air tight. I read different opinions , some say co2 does not need fresh air ( doesn't sound...