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  1. PegCityMJ

    4 weeks into flower, what is this?!?!? Please help...

    Only 2 top colas are looking like this, hoping it will not spread, what is it? Does anyone know? Please respond .... Rest of plant looks good...
  2. PegCityMJ

    The Great Canadian Outdoors - One on Land, One in a tree!

    My mother lets me grow :D ... Barely
  3. PegCityMJ

    Questions about MH bulbs

    Ah that would be why our plants look different. I switched from MH to HPS for flowering..
  4. PegCityMJ

    growing seeds from 12/12 from the start.

    Plant seed. Lights 12/12. No veg. Plant grows a tiny bit and starts budding.
  5. PegCityMJ

    400wmh/hps grower!!! thread

    I barely had any increase. also having another box with 5 small watt plugs, main box has 3 large 2 small watt plugs. Looking good!
  6. PegCityMJ

    yellow leaves 5th week into flowering, is this normal?

    My first as well. Hope everything works out for ya!
  7. PegCityMJ

    yellow leaves 5th week into flowering, is this normal?

    As soon as you switch to 12/12 it's in flower my friend. Mine at 3 weeks after switching to 12/12... Just sayin.
  8. PegCityMJ

    yellow leaves 5th week into flowering, is this normal?

    That looks 1 maybe 2 weeks max...Flower My leaves are looking that yellow at about 3 weeks. Rest of plant looks great. Guess it's time for a trim!
  9. PegCityMJ

    400wmh/hps grower!!! thread

    400W club! First grow, 3 weeks into flower. White Widow - Purple Bud - Bag Seed.
  10. PegCityMJ

    I need help

    Looks like a nice female. You can also tell by the way the branches really branch out and up. A male likes to keep it's branches nice and close to the stock. Good luck!
  11. PegCityMJ

    Checking the sex... Are these beautiful ladies? Experienced take a look plz

    Prime example of what a great forum this is.. The most simple question ever that can be answered on Google in less than 10 seconds... Yet this thread gets multiple responses stating the exact same obvious thing. ITS A FEMALE. Congrats on the female.
  12. PegCityMJ

    Kandy Kush and Lemon Haze

    I have what seems to be a pretty good pattern going on. Seeds sit in water for 24 hours. Seeds sit in paper towel for 24 hours. Seeds germinated, put in soil, sprouted in 24 hours. 3 days total.. 2 Kandy Kush 2 Lemon Haze.
  13. PegCityMJ

    2nd Week Flower (first grow) 3 strains 1 plant each.

    I just turned the AC up in the house, seems to be sticking around 80 now which seems good :) Still having trouble with humidity, it sticks to about 60-65% I have a big dehumidifier outside and 2 magic bags or whatever inside, still cant seem to get it much lower..
  14. PegCityMJ

    Bad High experience

    Grade 8, lunch time. Got real high for the the first time ever. Went back into school, went to the gym to play basketball..... There were teams playing, and I am not on any such team.. I sat on the bleachers for 45 minutes in my gym clothes. Bell rang, changed my clothes went off to English...
  15. PegCityMJ

    2nd Week Flower (first grow) 3 strains 1 plant each.

    Also just recently got the filter which is why it is not in the best spot for doing it's job. Have a 6" inline sucking air directly through the cool tube as well and it's still getting up there around 80-85 still :s Plan to move that filter up today somehow, it's pretty tight in that little box...
  16. PegCityMJ

    2nd Week Flower (first grow) 3 strains 1 plant each.

    It's a 400w hps. The start of the grow was a little slow as it was my first, started with 5 white widow seeds and only came out with one.. So i germinated a couple other strains. Did not have a good nutrient schedule figured out till about 3-4 weeks in. After using nutes the first time the...
  17. PegCityMJ

    FIRST GROW - White Widow - Purple Buddha - Vada -

    Flowering Week 2 Day 6
  18. PegCityMJ

    2nd Week Flower (first grow) 3 strains 1 plant each.

    Hope things will continue nicely. ****Was going to switch from veg feeding to flower feeding tomorrow. It will be the 2nd day of 2nd week, should I feed veg nutes one more time, or reasonable to switch over to flower nutes..?**** White Widow 51 days old. Mystery mailed seed 39 days old...
  19. PegCityMJ

    Brown spots please help me.

    It sounds like I had the same thing as well. Get some nutes on em!