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  1. skunksta


    any one? hanging here
  2. skunksta


    after clearing a spot and making the most mack daddy cage ive seen in my life roughly 10m*10m (30*30ft) in diameter. i went back last weekend do dig the soil over and to my horror only the top 20cm (8inch) or so is good soil the rest is pumice! i mixed what soil was there into the pumice...
  3. skunksta

    early sun or late sun? which is better

    in the fall its foggy yes thats true but dont know any one who plants this tiime of year. i try get sun from 8-2pm but in some situations with trees etc it is hard to do this. how hot do your summers get?
  4. skunksta

    early sun or late sun? which is better

    ive been told sunrise is better that way when the temps are up the plant is shaded
  5. skunksta


    dug over new grow smot on weeked was suprised to see lots of cenipedes in medium. does anyone know if they cause harm to wour plants maybe festing on the roots? been reading up on them on wikipedia says they are preditors will feest on worms and spiders it didnt really say anythinh about damage...
  6. skunksta

    Water Crystal Idea

    anyone got more input
  7. skunksta

    Water Crystal Idea

    yea i not to worried have been putting effort into soil mix which will contain compost bat ,guano grow, sheep shit and root blast. last year was my 1st grow only watered fortnightly and it was a drought they didnt do to bad all considered. i will water more if possible but not too much
  8. skunksta

    Water Crystal Idea

    yea ill be watering once a mounth. plus rain water haha just want to be prepared i rekon might be another drought this year
  9. skunksta

    Water Crystal Idea

    anyone? anyone at all
  10. skunksta

    Water Crystal Idea

    i have an idea that i might use for next years outdoor patch. i was thinking if i sit the crystals in a bucket of water that has had the nuets already added to it. will the crystals absorb nuets and feed to plants? when it comes to planting i was thinking instead of mixing with soil i was...
  11. skunksta

    any Aussies here, need help with seeds

    yea kiwiman dont see too many round here. i was going to try kiwi-seeds seen them in a normal mag winning a few trophies for there pot
  12. skunksta

    Possible Animal Repellent - No Chemicals

    i usded a repelant called skunk shot is reaked seemed to do the trick but only used once so i cant 100% garuntee it till next time when we do a bit of experimenting. the meat thing if you got pigs in your area they might get attracted to it than see your nice soft soil and hoe your plants over
  13. skunksta

    Water Curin

    haha yea i like beer too.
  14. skunksta

    DOMINICA? anyone ever herd of it

    sweet cheers for the info went to didnt say much besides that it can be grown both indoor and out. do you know weather its sativa or not? has it got a kick ass high? haha going to have the same strains ill have to keep you informed on what they come out like
  15. skunksta

    DOMINICA? anyone ever herd of it

    true do you know the charicteristics of it> indoor outdoor, yield, sativa, indica? i havent the slightest on what to expect. i groing mine outdoor
  16. skunksta

    Vaporizers...Anyone Use'em?...

    yea same here. ive never used 1 personally but i here it a different kind of high. my mate said it was all good till after the sesh and you throw away the bud that still looks as it did befor it went in. he rekoned it sust semt wrong
  17. skunksta

    DOMINICA? anyone ever herd of it

    ok getting some clones this year white rhino and dominica which i havent herd of. ive been cheaken out the seed banks but cant find it. has anyine ever herd of it ? i'm sure i have somewhere but it could have been something similar but not the same. starting to wonder if its X with someone elses...
  18. skunksta

    Water Curin

    it basically sifins out all the cloriphal and crap you dont need to smoke to get high and the final product is stronger than it would have been if done normally. but your bud weighs less and dont smell. someone on here said once, think of it (water curin) as a beer, you have 2 half gull glasses...
  19. skunksta

    solid outdoor nugz

    any one with tips besides mollasses?
  20. skunksta

    solid outdoor nugz

    yea thats the part i dont get ive seen the same strain grown but it looked way different. (same bag seed the grower has been using 4 years he puts his bud to seed)