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  1. skunksta

    feminizing seeds. any help?

    doesnt sound any neer as hard as the other methods iv read about
  2. skunksta


    sorry tried to cut and paste a pic of what it would look like but no luck haha
  3. skunksta


    last night while trying to get to sleep i come up with the idea of a stretcher. i have a fairly large plot so it takes 2 of us to do the worh and there is nothing worse than walking to it with some supplies than goig back an gettin more all because you cant carry it in one trip. so i come up...
  4. skunksta

    makin hash? please help

    hey any one got time from ther busy schedual to show me how to make a nice block of hash? im from nz and hash is pretty rear and can't purchise one of thous michine thinggys that do it. so yea i guess my question is, is there any other method to make it and how?
  5. skunksta

    I have to dry outside, any help?

    use a good sized plastic box with lid than you dont ave to worry bout it raining. just put holes in em so you get a bit of air flow
  6. skunksta

    Sexing at germination

    oh crap everyone you got me all excited and i cant germ my seeds till sep cause i on the wrong side of the world. i cant wait to see everones progress. i also have been told if you put your plants in a dark cuboard for a couple of days they will sex and you can do that befor you transplant so...
  7. skunksta

    feminizing seeds. any help?

    pretty sure it a sativa not sure what it is thou.
  8. skunksta

    feminizing seeds. any help?

    yea really do wish i could clone but im not aloud lights haha. i should just put some up in the roof it not like she will climb up there any time soon
  9. skunksta

    feminizing seeds. any help?

    ok cheers man might have a bit of an experiment in one of me plots. but not untill i do a lil more research of coarse
  10. skunksta

    adding weight and yield too your bud

    has anyone ever used the supliments brix, or headmaster? was thinking of investing in some for the next grow i herd is does wonders for maximising the over all weight of your bud and makes them solid as. so any one got any experiance with these?
  11. skunksta

    feminizing seeds. any help?

    i was wondering what the easyest way is to make a female go hermafridite so it pollinates and you get all female seeds and at what stage do i make it a hermi. ps i am talhing about outdoors. and using gibberellic acid.
  12. skunksta

    hermafredites and feminized seeds?

    i was wondering what the easyest way is to make a female go hermafridite so it pollinates and you get all female seeds and at what stage do i make it a hermi. ps i am talhing about outdoors. and using gibberellic acid.
  13. skunksta

    Who Would You Smoke With!?!?

    jack black so we can jam together and make up hilarious songs and scenarios
  14. skunksta

    hermis and seeding please help!

    i was wondering what the easyest way is to make a female go hermafridite so it pollinates and you get all female seeds and at what stage do i make it a hermi. ps i am talhing about outdoors
  15. skunksta

    Airplanes? Not helicopters?!

    not too sure bout over there but in new zealand they use helis mainly but my sorces this year told me they did use planes as well
  16. skunksta

    How Many Plants Per Meter Sq?

    alll good cheers for the help though man
  17. skunksta

    oxegen and soil?

    ok i just wanting some know how on how to get good oxegen through the soil and what its benefis are and any thing else you can add
  18. skunksta

    How Many Plants Per Meter Sq?

    haha what is scrog? but yea its better for th plant to be tall in this spot fof it will get more light
  19. skunksta

    tricks on friends while you smoke

    haha where did you get the importing of electricity from thats all shit. maoris steal shit all the time and i think the forshores should just be reserves now to help protect the green image. yea its good growing up havin heaps of sex haha. and what is cricket i keep falling asleep trying to...
  20. skunksta

    How Many Plants Per Meter Sq?

    well in nz out door is the majority of weed. i am hoping the plant will rech around 1.5-2 meters (6ft). not too sure on what method i lust plant them in a soil compost mix and let them grow watering every 2-3 weeks. yea americans must be good at there math it is way easyer to worh things out...