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  1. refeermadness

    ? Philips plant&aquarium bulbs

    if you get an answer let me know
  2. refeermadness

    Light cycle question

    will plants grow faster on 16/8 then on 18/6?
  3. refeermadness

    Don't know what helped

    i had 3 plants that looked like they were dying i added some nutes and changed the light cycle from 24/7 to 18/6 and low and behold all of them have at least an inch of new growth over night. do you think because of the nutes they were 3 and a half weeks old or chaning the light cycle...
  4. refeermadness

    Worried pls help

    i didn't mean anything mac just the way you come across i'm the sameway sometimes.
  5. refeermadness

    Worried pls help

    i've been watering them with deerpark spring water and only a little bit of the mircle grow like a drop in a 12oz bottle in organic soiland started in peat pellets took the netting off them tho under 3 daylight cfls and 4 coolwhite 48 inches long floro tubes. maybe the fact that the seeds were...
  6. refeermadness

    Worried pls help

    lol i'm happy for the advice you just sound like such an ass when you give mac.
  7. refeermadness

    Worried pls help

    well 2 weeks veg then 1 week flower to see what sex they were and i think i see 3 females outta the 4 not sure on other one and even tho they small they smell something sweet =)!!!!! think me messing with light cycle is stunting growth?
  8. refeermadness

    Worried pls help

    and and there 3 weeks old!!
  9. refeermadness

    Worried pls help

    couple days ago they were last water 4 i think with a small amount of mircle grow stays promotes fast root growth strong foliage and helps with blooming have (n) pottasuim and potash in it. gonna buy some super thrive my friend said the seeds were from a female that stressed into hermie after...
  10. refeermadness

    Worried pls help

    my babies look sick any help?
  11. refeermadness

    Hermaphrodite question

    my friend gave me some seeds from a female plant that he tipped over tried to catch it and almost pulled it outta pot. it turned into a hermie after that and i was wondering if the seeds will all be hermies or all female. and if they are all hermie's can you still smoke hermie bud and get high??
  12. refeermadness

    Here we go with the grow

    here's my babes i gave them 3 weeks seedling/veg now there on 12/12 lights. tell me what you think.
  13. refeermadness

    Skiping Veg

    anyone at all? no one even looked lol
  14. refeermadness

    Skiping Veg

    yea my question is can i skip the veg cycle or maybe only have it for a week i'd like to flower at 7'' is it possiable don't care if yield is crap
  15. refeermadness

    Super thrive Pro or con

    Alot of people said superthrive is awesome i'm thinking of going out and buying some and adding it to the nutes i'm giving now is this a good idea? i don't want to kill'em with kindness.
  16. refeermadness

    Male vs Female

    just wondering because 4 outa my 6 are shooting up =(
  17. refeermadness

    Male vs Female

    Is it true that male plants grow faster and taller then females?
  18. refeermadness

    Opps ripped Roots HELP

    if i unintendedly ripped some roots trasplanting will the plant be ok????
  19. refeermadness

    Here we go with the grow

    Does anyone think the above will hurt them?