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  1. refeermadness

    Drug test.

    and they know what meds i'm on figured i tell them if they tested me and would see them anyway i didn't think they would test. so i've been smoking yet. gave me 7 days till my first one.
  2. refeermadness

    Drug test.

    my po came today he wants me to go once a month i'm a guy what if the pee is girls? lol and like i said i have a fentanyl patch i don't really take the vicodin if she pee's for me no fent in her's will they test for that? i wear 50mcg patch for 3 days then change...
  3. refeermadness

    Drug test.

    i wish kal but Pa. isn't a libral state at all and i live in a hick town...
  4. refeermadness

    Drug test.

    well i'm on ard my first time getting in trouble not parole. i work 40 hrs a week in extrucating pain and they want me to do 40 hrs comm. service... i don't even get to go fishing that much anymore. sucks to think this nonsense is what my taxdollars are spent on...
  5. refeermadness

    Drug test.

    hey guyshavn't been on for a long time. but i have a question whats the best way to beat a probation drug test? i'm pretty sure i'll be behind closed doors.... i could get clean piss but i'm on fentanyl and viks for BT and smoke yet to help pain. And they know this... i don't know if they...
  6. refeermadness


    BTW also wanted to put out there that the continuedbailout and stimuluspackage ricks trillons in defits for years to come and risk a collapse in currency...
  7. refeermadness


    Me an my one buddy have a plan tho... if obama gets assinated were moving to canada! i'm leaning to moving there now
  8. refeermadness


    not the way it started but slowly evolved into it, ice...
  9. refeermadness


    yeah starting to believe the dec. 21 mayan doomsday lol it's getting bad and i think we can all tell it's bad when they try to spin it off as being better/getting better/plans made to make it better. Something needs to change and now gas is going backup LOL we are in 2 wars Bleh i'm going to...
  10. refeermadness

    Drying with rice

    well js i took them right off the plant in the jar of rice and no mold! but like i said i will put something between the bud and rice next time, just puting right on the rice was a bad idea... but neway js if this thread annoys you so much and you think this rice thing is so wrong ignore it...
  11. refeermadness

    Drying with rice

    sorrry for so many typo's my keyboard is on the fritz my GF spilled coke in it hehhe got to get a new one proby
  12. refeermadness

    Drying with rice

    no what i did was cut off my cola and then put it ina jar with rice closed the lid and out it in a dark place for like a week and it was dry. then i took rice out and put the buds in the jar to cure... i'm in the middle of the cure. i hung the other have of my bud to dry and it took 7 days to...
  13. refeermadness


    ok just ranting a lil here i guess. i love obama voted for him and i agree with him that we as a people need to make the change, and that he's not a mircle worker thats gonna fix everthing. but he is proposing a 800+billion dollar american recovery and reinvestment plan on individual tax cuts...
  14. refeermadness

    Drying with rice

    yeah if i do it again i will make sure toput something between the bud and rice but like i said i put the stuff in that was hanging little moist but not any moisture in ajr open it a few times anyway... the hay smell is there but not as bad. well all that left to do is start a new grow hehe...
  15. refeermadness

    Drying with rice

    everything ooks good i put the stuff in the jar that was hanging up and the dry stuff inside soaking up moisture from them buds i have lid on now and no moisture at all in the jar so i figure i can just leave it close in a dark place for a couple weeks now.
  16. refeermadness


    probly a dumb question but... what does Reputation do i have some theards that earn me Reputation is it for that mr. ganja/marajuana toker/learning to roll name thingy?
  17. refeermadness

    Drying with rice

    k here's 2 pics hopfully :fire:
  18. refeermadness

    Drying with rice

    Bleh bad week en my fentanyl patches were the lot# that got recalled =( had to wait till today to get them. but anywho it's looking fairly dry so i took the rice out and just letting the bud sit in there a few more days then put the lid on. no odd smells and surprizingly not to muchrice stuck...
  19. refeermadness

    Drying with rice

    yeah i noticed as the buds shrink the leave sticks out more beofre it all flush with the b ud
  20. refeermadness

    Drying with rice

    ok i'm hoping for a heady high right before work i hope 10% 20% amber 80% 90% milky will do. will let the restof plant get all amber for when i get home )