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  1. wannabefarmer

    Money Laundering

    Isnt it a shame that the entire US tax system has been created to promote people to not pay their taxes? Every tax incentive, law, etc... makes people look for ways not to pay taxes. This whole problem should be changed so that everyone pays the same amount of taxes. People, businesses, all...
  2. wannabefarmer

    Money Laundering

    OF COURSE the government can check their records/books. Ever heard of the Patriot Act? If you are thinking of depositing $9,999 to avoid making reports you will be arrested for "structuring". This is highly illegal as well. I am curious about the secured loan thing but it would not help you...
  3. wannabefarmer

    Money Laundering

    Money orders are tracked too. Where will you cash it?
  4. wannabefarmer

    Money Laundering

    This is now law beginning 2012 unless Congress repeals it. This will destroy many businesses.
  5. wannabefarmer

    Trimming Fan Leaves a Consensus Part 1

    So then it would seem to me that it would only make sense to trim leaves and see how a plant responds to manipulate how buds and colas will actually grow.
  6. wannabefarmer

    Trimming Fan Leaves a Consensus Part 1

    When vegging a mother plant should I be removing fan leaves that are shading branches in order to make clones from those branches? I noticed that after I removed some leaves that were shading lower branches the branches grow quite a bit more allowing me to make more clones (when I get to that...
  7. wannabefarmer

    How do these plants look?

    No I am guessing I need to raise them up huh.
  8. wannabefarmer

    How do these plants look?

    Hello, First time growing. Trying to figure this out. I know this is really sad but the first picture is one of my plants at 5 weeks. Please don't laugh so hard... My PH is around 4.6 and the PPMs are about 600. I am watering once a day and I guess I'll cut back to every other day...
  9. wannabefarmer

    What is happening with these seedlings?

    Thanks Bricktop, I will see recheck what the bottle says again and definatley do some more studying. I appreciate your help.
  10. wannabefarmer

    What is happening with these seedlings?

    I don't have the nutes in front of me right now but I am feeding them CNS17 or something like that. Hdro store told me to use it. I guess I will cut the feeding down to once every two days, would that be sufficent or until they start to dry out. I will have to re-look at the bottle tonight.
  11. wannabefarmer

    What is happening with these seedlings?

    Thanks, I will PH the water up. These seedlings are 5 weeks old now and I was sure that I read in the "Bible" that it would be time to give them half strength nutes.
  12. wannabefarmer

    What is happening with these seedlings?

    Should I feed less? I thought new seedlings should be fed with half strength or less nutes?
  13. wannabefarmer

    What is happening with these seedlings?

    Can someone please tell me what appears to be the problem with these seedlings? Setup: 1000w, temps 76-86, feeding 2x a day with 40% nute strength. Humidity is 40%, PH of water is 4.9, TDS machine tells me 600. In rockwool cubes. The edges of the leaves appear to be curling up.
  14. wannabefarmer

    Damping off problem? Please help +REP

    These are seedlings in rockwool cubes under a 1000w. They are in a grow tray that can be used as a humidity tome. I took the cover off and they are sitting under a HID, and I have a fan nearby.
  15. wannabefarmer

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    Doesn't look like he is interested in replying anymore... Wish he would keep talking about the benefits.
  16. wannabefarmer

    Damping off problem? Please help +REP

    Had 10 seedlings, 5 died. Grow black and thin at the line of the rockwool cubes. They wilted and gone. Now my other healthy ones are starting to develope the black line and thinning. I know not to have too much moisture but the bottom of the rockwool small roots are comming out and they are...
  17. wannabefarmer

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    I didn't say I wanted to practice it, just that it is HI-larious. I wanna keep him talking.
  18. wannabefarmer

    Sun Charged Water The Best Nutrient Both For Plants And Humans.

    This thread is awesome and should be stickied. I found some great lines in here while laughing my ass off. Here are a few, zero experience = zero knowledge dudes Ain't that the truth! lick my leaves with your finger tips ? So, one glass of water on average is 350 ML, rougly 1/3 of a...
  19. wannabefarmer

    How long to make 64 total vegging plants from 5 seeds?

    Yes thank you for reminding me, I have been spending a few hours everyday on RIU reading. I will search for it now.
  20. wannabefarmer


    Just read all 30 pages. Gotta say there are many stupid people out there. Figure maybe 5% of people who smoke pot grow pot. So half of that 5% are the idiots on here posting comments when they haven't even read what was written before. As far as these idiots stating things like "greed", even...