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  1. wannabefarmer

    How long to make 64 total vegging plants from 5 seeds?

    Thank you for responding. I think my best option will be to sprout more seeds. I just bought 25 more. Maybe this will be a better start. When you sprout seeds, you put them under a humidity dome with the vents closed? At what point do you open the vents and at what point do you take the...
  2. wannabefarmer

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Just bought them. Thanks. You should get ad revenue for this!
  3. wannabefarmer

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Where can I find a great PH meter and TDS meter?
  4. wannabefarmer

    How long to make 64 total vegging plants from 5 seeds?

    Yeah, I realize that but how long do you think to make that many clones?
  5. wannabefarmer

    How long to make 64 total vegging plants from 5 seeds?

    Hey everyone, I have 5 seedlings and want to eventually fill 4- 4x4 trays with plants 16 in each. How long roughly to make clones enough to fill these trays, 64 plants? I obviously know it depends on light, nutes and grower ability, but all things being even what do you think?
  6. wannabefarmer

    My first room

    V, Thank you for responding. Hopefully you can see these pictures. I don't own a fire extinguisher yet. I will buy one shortly. I turned on one of my 1000w for vegging. The temps are staying around 75 at night and 78 during the day. Humidity is 50-55. I don't know if that is good or...
  7. wannabefarmer

    My first room

    Well, I know I'm a noob but I would really like peoples input. Please comment...
  8. wannabefarmer

    led flowering

    Should/can LEDs be used with a couple 1000w HPSs?
  9. wannabefarmer

    My first room

    Hey everyone I am looking for some advice. The room I am using is 14'x14'x8' Electrician came and wired me a line directly to my house breaker. I had him put in a supply panel in the room with two 40 AMP breakers for the lights, there are 4 220V outlets on each, and a 20 AMP breaker for my...
  10. wannabefarmer

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone I am a new member.