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  1. alopez34


    it should be safe. my neighbors are kind of oldish and put some assorted junk around where the plants are so the only way to see them is if someone where to actually come into my backyard and walk around the back of the house and look straight down on them.
  2. alopez34


    i was just wondering if it was ok to take the little darlings outside and get some of this beautiful sunshine. it's 80 degrees and i think the humidity is at around 60%. i think they will love it. :weed:
  3. alopez34

    How many ppl grow for a livin?

    yeah. it just sorta became a hobby for me. i mean these little plants will grow almost anywhere. the ones i have now are bagseed and i was stoned and just popped them into the ground and three days later there they were. and in just a short two months i'll be smoking them again. it's just so cool.
  4. alopez34

    Pass a Drug Screen w/ Human Urine 'How To'

    the whizzinator... never fails and it looks so cool. :weed:
  5. alopez34


    is there anything else to do with the male plants besides destroying them? I mean they are so resilient and pretty. Can't we just smoke them? :weed:
  6. alopez34

    when is it time to flower

    easy as pie :weed:
  7. alopez34

    when is it time to flower

    wow... that's some good info. but now i need to know the best way to start the actual flowering process. is it really getting the light cycle to 12/12?
  8. alopez34

    when is it time to flower

    my plants are 5 weeks old (but look like they're 3) how long should i let them veg before i start to flower them. right now they're on an 18/6 light cycle. when should i put them to 12/12?
  9. alopez34

    Smoking the actual leaves

    isn't that called schwag...
  10. alopez34

    making stuff from the stem fibers

    how do you go about making stuff like wallets and and purses from the stems of the plants because it's supposed to be like the strongest natural material in the world... :weed:
  11. alopez34


    actually i have 3 100 watt cfl's on them and a 15 watt fluorescent tube in the middle of them and the fan is off to the side so i think the lighting might be good until they get a little bigger. i just put them into bigger pots too so hopefully this will help because the roots were starting to...
  12. alopez34


    after reading a few of these threads i am almost certain that the problem that I'm having is also due to over watering. the question that i have now is how much and when are you supposed to water... :weed:
  13. alopez34

    nutes for soil?

    what kind of nutes are best for plants that are being grown in the soil... does anyone recommend miracle grow?
  14. alopez34

    i hate rap music

    what ever happened to nitzer ebb and front 242... now that was some cool ass music.. :cool:
  15. alopez34


    i need to put my plants outside because the inside thing just isn,t working out but I'm a little concerned about the neighbors. i tried planting some corn in the back but it just started to sprout and might take too long to get big enough to cover the plants.
  16. alopez34

    IP address...

    that's some excellent info... thanks for sharing :weed:
  17. alopez34

    i hate rap music

    it is destroying our society and must be stopped. :cuss:
  18. alopez34

    black light

    it's just a 15watt black light that i bought at a head shop last year...
  19. alopez34

    black light

    i'm using cfl's to grow but what would happen if i were to add a black fluorescent tube? will it hurt my babies or will it just be harmless and look cool? where does a black light fall into the light spectrum? thanx...:weed:
  20. alopez34

    Light socket to AC Plug

    i just cut the cord from my printer and hooked the wires to one of those flood lights that i bought at wally world for like five bucks and it works amazingly well... check it out