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  1. alopez34

    Welcome to The Light Shop

    i was just wondering if there was a way to hook up a flood light with the two light sockets to a standard 120v power cord that i cut off from the printer check it out and please comment. :weed:
  2. alopez34

    sun to cfl...

    is it ok to leave my plants outside during the daytime then bring them inside and put them under the light during the night? right now they are 24/7 under the sun and cfl. by the way, do they look ok?
  3. alopez34

    IP address...

    thanks bros, it's just that this is my first grow and i don't want anything to ruin the experience. i come home home from work and kiss my wife and kids and then go out and hang with my plants. they're starting to grow on me, you know what i mean.
  4. alopez34

    ? watts per plant?

    say i have 1600 lumens with 1 cfl bulb, if i have 2 cfl bulbs will that equal 3200?
  5. alopez34

    IP address...

    will they be able to trace my IP address and bust me for asking grow questions or come to my house and search for plants
  6. alopez34

    cold weather for next few days

    cool... i got the 100 watt daylight at 1600 lumins.
  7. alopez34

    cold weather for next few days

    thanks man for the quick reply and i'm headed to the store in a few but i just wanted to ask does the wattage of the bulb matter cause it's showing 60 and 100 watt bulbs.
  8. alopez34

    cold weather for next few days

    it's been in the 70's to 80's for the last two weeks but we just had a cold front move in and right now it's 35 degrees and the high for today is going to be 52 and it'll be that way until about wednesday. how do i keep my little babies (4 weeks old) healthy inside for the next few days? all i...