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  1. Reesecup

    Cal/mag deficiency?

    I am a female and that Red Poison was shot under natural light.
  2. Reesecup

    Nooob grower....How much will she yield?

    She is 5 inches tall, a house plant next to her is 18 inches tall under a Amazon grow bulb, If I can get 7 grams of potent smoke from the 5 incher I will be happy,
  3. Reesecup

    Just curious about yield.

    Shouldn't make fun of people you bully, may your armpits get infested with fungus gnats...
  4. Reesecup

    Nooob grower....How much will she yield?

    She keeps bending towards the Walmart light, so I rotate her so she can unbend. She is growing on my desk next to a few houseplants.
  5. Reesecup

    Nooob grower....How much will she yield?

    I did remove the diffuser, it is a 13.5 watt 5000k Great Value bulb.
  6. Reesecup

    Nooob grower....How much will she yield?

    I am female...…. and that light is really close to her...
  7. Reesecup

    Nooob grower....How much will she yield?

    Since she is going into bloom I did add a second desk lamp with a WalMart LED bulb.
  8. Reesecup

    Just curious about yield.

    I think you need more purple light, it does wonders in a short period of time.
  9. Reesecup

    Nooob grower....How much will she yield?

    I thought the light was hurting the leaves, kinda crispy.
  10. Reesecup

    Nooob grower....How much will she yield?

    Its a Fast Bud LSD-25 so it should be really fast...sez so on the label.
  11. Reesecup

    Nooob grower....How much will she yield?

    She was planted about 3 weeks ago or so.... give or take a week...… she is hitting flower full steam under that nice bulb. But sad her branches didn't grow.... sigh.
  12. Reesecup

    Nooob grower....How much will she yield?

    Its a bulb from Amazon, it cost $12.99
  13. Reesecup

    Nooob grower....How much will she yield?

    Grown under very powerful Amazon LED bulb.
  14. Reesecup

    How much electricity is too much electricity

    Invest in solar panels and call it a day......
  15. Reesecup

    Cal/mag deficiency?

    Here is the thing with Fox Farm OF soil. I think it is excellent but it runs out of steam in flower. IMO, this soil should be mixed with Happy Frog, 1 part of each, then in your pot allow room to add a few inches of soil, say around day 21, I would add a few inches of this new mixture as a top...
  16. Reesecup

    How long left on this Plant?

    Very tough to say from these images, but she is hungry, I wouldn't flush rather I would look to lightly feed some Phosphorus, Potassium, calcium and magnesium...…. Is this a soil grow?
  17. Reesecup

    Going out of town help

    Maybe you can ask the local law enforcement to come by and water the ladies.....
  18. Reesecup

    Is this an auto?

    Here, now you have clearly seen them...