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  1. Reesecup

    How much should I expect ? day 30 flower auto blueberry?

    Who knows.... My tiny Blueberry Auto gave me 31 grams and she was only 18 inches tall.
  2. Reesecup

    LSD-25 ..... in a bag with a desk lamp.

    Day 3 of life under the 30watt blurple Amazon special...
  3. Reesecup

    LSD-25 ..... in a bag with a desk lamp.

    Day 2 of Life and Health...
  4. Reesecup

    Show me your baby’s

    My newborn baby... I am a momma...
  5. Reesecup

    LSD-25 ..... in a bag with a desk lamp.

    Day one of Life and Health.....
  6. Reesecup

    LSD-25 ..... in a bag with a desk lamp.

    I'll add a few Walmart LED bulbs when she flowers....That should help, it is growing on my desk, hopefully she stays small...
  7. Reesecup

    LSD-25 ..... in a bag with a desk lamp.

    LSD-25 from Fast Buds...… hopefully its fast... Planted in a grow bag with Happy Frog/Ocean Forrest... and I will use a desk lamp with this powerful bulb.. It should grow, after all its just a weed....