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  1. soberstoner

    CO2 regulator help needed please

    Yes, I have closed the tank. It was working just fine, then I changed the tank and it started leaking out that hole. It is a new unit so it is covered under warranty.
  2. soberstoner

    CO2 regulator help needed please

    Here are a few photos. It is the small hole in the center of the photo.
  3. soberstoner

    CO2 regulator help needed please

    Sure, give me about 10 minutes. Thanks for the quick reply Dirty Harry.
  4. soberstoner

    CO2 regulator help needed please

    Anyone have this problem before?
  5. soberstoner

    CO2 regulator help needed please

    Hello all, I just changed the tank on my new CO2 regulator which was working just fine before. Now there is air leaking very fast through a hole in the regulator. Does anyone know what might have happened and how to fix? Thanks.
  6. soberstoner

    Why do you grow?

    Growing is a fantastic hobby. I have been smoking for 20 years now, and I should have started growing 20 years ago. In another month and a half, I will be able to stop spending $600-$1200 each month on herbs. And mine will be twice as good as anything I can get around here. I love to stick...
  7. soberstoner

    My first closet grow

    I believe the first 2 pics are from my white widows, the rest are from the bagseed, and the group photo of course. I watered yesterday with 1 tbsp grandmas per gallon. I have been watering them every 4 days now and they seem okay. I am getting a few yellowing leaves towards the bottom, but...
  8. soberstoner

    Weed and Airport security

    I've done it 40 or 50 times. Just keep it in your change pocket on your blue jeans. You can't get too much in there, but a quarter oz or so. Then when you empty your pockets, you do not disturb your change pocket, and do not set off the metal detector. If it is really smelly, then you can...
  9. soberstoner

    who here smokes bud, and doesn't drink or smoke cigs?

    I have been tobacco free for over 7 years now, and not a drop of alcohol since January 2008. Since giving up the booze nine months ago, I have paid off in full over 25k in credit card debt, plus I have lost over 35 pounds of body fat. I smoke my herbs every day and they have never caused me...
  10. soberstoner

    New grow box!good or bad??

    buy a homebox or another good brand of grow tent. Ebay has em pretty reasonable.
  11. soberstoner

    Co2 hookup

    I know mine had a plastic gasket inside where the valve connects. And you definitely need a wrench to tighten it. Good luck.
  12. soberstoner

    My first closet grow

    I think they are starting to look pretty good. The front two on the right are the white widow, the rest are bagseed. I now have a CO2 tube leaking out behind my fan which I installed yesterday. Hopefully that will help a bit. The 2 closeup shots are from my 2 widows. One of them stopped...
  13. soberstoner

    My first closet grow

    Thanks Londoner, I have been trying that with the leaves the last few days. I'm running some CO2 during the light cycle also starting today. They all seem to be budding nicely. I will post more pics tomorrow after I water them. I am watering every 4 days now.
  14. soberstoner

    My first closet grow

    I'm using the homebox size L. I use a six inch duct going out the top to an inline fan from menards. It gets to be about 85 at the warmest. That doesn't seem to be a problem for the girls though. The L is huge, almost bigger than I imagined, but I did have a spare room for it. I am pretty...
  15. soberstoner

    First grow..clf...yeild expectations

    Nice looking grow OK. It sounds like you are taking good care of her. I will be watching your grow. Do you know what strain this is? Or is it bagseed? I hope you get at least an ounce.
  16. soberstoner

    My first closet grow

    I just gave them some water today with nutes. It has been 4 days since last watering. I gave them a total of 2 gallons for the 6 plants. I have done some mild LST to expose more buds. I believe the first two photos and the last photo are the white widows here. I should have my CO2 all set...
  17. soberstoner

    Vaporizer help

    That looks like it would work pretty awesome. I would only worry about breaking the glass parts. I would love to try one of those. I'm sure it will make you very happy.
  18. soberstoner

    Vaporizer help

    You can get the herbalAire for about $200 to $250 on ebay or amazon. I have one and it is almost as good as the volcano, it just fills the bags a little slower. Youtube has several videos that show how it works. It is a balloon, or bag system, but less than half the cost of the volcano. You...
  19. soberstoner

    Wondering how my plants are doing

    I think it's too early to tell on those. Do you have any more recent pics? I am looking for balls on mine too right now. I'm interested to see what you end up with. Good luck to you.
  20. soberstoner

    My first closet grow

    I just watered for the first time in 3 days. I gave the 6 plants a total of 2 gallons over about an hour. I had a little bit of grow juice mixed in. Here are some of today's pics. I can tell a difference every day now. Pic's 1-4 are my bagseed plants, 5 and 6 are white widow, 7 is group...