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  1. Red Eye Jim

    Clipping off Fan Leaves

    I have Aurora Indicas that have really big and wide fan leaves that are starting to croud the grow room. Is it OK to clip some of the larger lower leaves off to make room?
  2. Red Eye Jim

    Best CFL Bulbs for Veg Room

    I pic would be cool mitsu, thanks!!
  3. Red Eye Jim

    Best CFL Bulbs for Veg Room

    Does it matter that it is a "grow" blub or just a regular type bulb you can get at the hardware store? Plus the Mogel "plug" is required. The "grow" bulbs are expensive and I wanted to know if it was worth the extra bucks.
  4. Red Eye Jim

    G-13 ?

    G-13 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia • Learn more about using Wikipedia for research • Jump to: navigation, OpenDNS This article is about a type of cannabis. For the group of research intensive Canadian universities, see Group of Thirteen (Canadian universities). G-13 is a strong (i.e...
  5. Red Eye Jim

    Best CFL Bulbs for Veg Room

    Any recommendations? Grow room small will be for seeds and clones.
  6. Red Eye Jim

    G-13 ?

    Not sure but I think that G-13 is mostly a myth. I saw this on the movie American Beauty, it sounded really cool. Plus he sold it for $2000 for a small bag. :mrgreen: But if it was a legidimate strain, why would't all the seed banks sell it?
  7. Red Eye Jim

    Cheap co2???

    CO2 boost seems expensive when I went to their site. What do other's think?
  8. Red Eye Jim Ballast Question

    This site on eBay is pretty sweet and I want to buy a new light. The have seperate MH and HPS ballasts, and one that will light both. I have the one that lights both, it come with two bulbs and a free (?) timer. I asked them if a staright HPS or MH only balllast they sell would light either/or...
  9. Red Eye Jim


    I would say no. I have smell weed going by another car and to be honest, I wanted to track them down and smkoe some with me. If your neighbors are complete nerds or cops, well, I'd be a bit concerned. Other than that smoke up, dude!
  10. Red Eye Jim

    Safety of buying seeds

    I've had good luck with Nirvana so far. Took about two weeks for delivery (longest two weeks in my life!!), stealth delivery. Made second order recently. This site recommends them and I can see why.
  11. Red Eye Jim

    Too Dry (humidity) during Flowering?

    I have a small grow area for my flowering room (12 cu ft) with a 250W HPS light. I can keep the temp under 90 degrees (usually between 75-80) but it gets really dry. Typical humidity is around 30-40% with foliar feedings about daily. If I stop the spraying, I can get the humidity down to 20-30%...
  12. Red Eye Jim

    Definition of Bagseed

    I have my first grow which is from seeds I had kept for many years. Out of about 50 seeds, two germinated. And one looks GREAT. Really green, bushy and two months into growing is about 18" tall. Getting ready to go to 12/12 light cycle. I'm going to try my first attempt to clone, this way if I...
  13. Red Eye Jim

    Htg supply

    I bought a MH/HPS combo set and a fan from them on eBay. Good price, fast shipping, was very happy. I want to party with those dudes, probably have some good shit.
  14. Red Eye Jim

    Intake vent with light trap

    I was told that you can purchase a light filter from a darkroom photography supply store that lets air through but blocks light. Is this what you were looking for?
  15. Red Eye Jim

    Definition of Bagseed

    Newbie question :roll: I'm assuming that bagseed is what you get when you buy weed and plant seeds from it, not knowing stain?
  16. Red Eye Jim

    Fertilizer - Substral

    I see that you have computer fans connected to some wiring. How did you do this without a computer power source, pretty good idea.
  17. Red Eye Jim

    10 days old and...

    I have four growing. Two are really small, inch high. I have one that is medium size and one that must be on steroids, about thre inchs tall. I think that some plants just take off different.
  18. Red Eye Jim

    Ventalation/Humidity in a small area

    I have two grow rooms, both 12 cu ft each. I have a fan sucking air out into a filter system which is about 120 cpm. I also have two inlets that are 4" tubing and one has a smal 80 cpm inline fan. I'm just concrned that the MH in this small area is producing too much heat. After watering, it's...
  19. Red Eye Jim

    Ventalation/Humidity in a small area

    I have a very small grow area (about 12 cu ft each between veg/flower) and i'm having problems with heat and humitity. Seems to rum hot and dry after a day after watering but drys out quickly. I have a 250W MH bulb in one and 2 T5 HO in the veg room. I want to make sure i'm not over ventalating...
  20. Red Eye Jim

    How long should I veg?

    I'm at a month too. About 12" high and looks green and healthy. Under a 250W MH, with smaller sibling. It hard to not check it from time to time. Mine likes folar feeding and a good feeding (soil grow) from time to time. Pot Growing 101: Don't smoke it now, let it grow, man! Veal is good, but...