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  1. D


    Ok so, I crushed up 3 pills. Put them into a bottle of water, shook it, then placed in the fridge for like 5-10 minutes not really sure I was trying to forget it was there so I wouldn't start counting minutes. Then after a while I looked at it and it looked a little clearer than before and...
  2. D

    Avatar on Mushrooms

    Yeah, I don't think being out in public with a bunch of people around you when your trippin is a good idea, especially if you get the giggles. Has happened to me at walmart on shrooms.
  3. D


    I'm trying this now with 15mg.
  4. D


    Thanks for the quick reply.
  5. D


    Okay well before I try the extraction I want to understand it.. So lets say I crush up 3 5-500s and put them into a bottle with cold water, let it sit for 5 minutes or so, then pour through a coffee filter into a bowl or something. I drink what is in the bowl? I just don't understand how the...
  6. D

    Battle of the Benzos

    Woah woah woah now, just because I voted for Xanax doesn't mean I don't support the rest :eyesmoke:
  7. D


    I got 57 5mg vicodins and getting a quarter tomorrow. Things are finally turnin around :bigjoint: So, I crush up the desired amount of pills, then put into a water bottle, and let it get substantially colder but not frozen, and then pour through coffee filter and tada I drink what goes...
  8. D


    Your sure it isn't more complicated than that? I remember reading somewhere something different...
  9. D


    It's 2 o'clock and I took my 3rd one since I woke up around 10 this morning. I took it with 2.5 of ativans and I'm feeling pretty good.
  10. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    @four2zerOallday: Because the cops in my town know me its small and there are a lot of kids who when they get asked questions by the cops roll over cause they don't know they don't have to say shit. Plus if I get any offenses between now and November 24th of next year I get an automatic 60 day...
  11. D


    I'd love to be able to roll up a blunt whenever like I used too, but, well lets just say the cops stole my babies :cry:
  12. D

    Battle of the Benzos

    Ativans make me reallly relaxed very similair to being nice and stoned, except I forget what we're talking about every 3 minutes and don't remember what I did when I took them the next day. My friend got ativans and seroquel given to him like candy in the concord mental hospital.. fortunately...
  13. D


    I expected someone to tell me to 'extract' the hydrocodone, but I don't know how to do that but I'll check that out later. But 500mg of acetaminophen sounds like a lot per pill... especially if I take 3 or 4. If it's any comparison I've taken a perk 5 before and felt nothing, but a perk 10...
  14. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    I won't speak to this. I think if you knew this person in real life and knew their psychological history you would beg to differ.
  15. D


    So.. I came across a bunch of white pills and looked it up on the pill identifier and got this: Is 500mg to 5mg hydrocodone bad? How many should someone take to feel good? When is it to far? Foolish questions...
  16. D

    Battle of the Benzos

    Well, Xanax is pretty good. Klonopins is at the bottom of the ladder.. in my opinion But what is so different between the four medications? Aren't they all typically prescribed for anxiety patients?
  17. D

    Can you mix Ativan and Loratabs?

    Oh, well I just took a soma today not sure the mg and 4mg xanax and got a little fucked up or a while but now i am sober and bored.
  18. D

    Battle of the Benzos

    So... some kids I know are trying to tell me that ativans are stronger than Xanax. I'm pretty sure 1mg of ativan is .5 of Xanax, and I know Xanax lasts longer. Klonopins, I consider to be in between ativans and Xanax. Valium I've never taken so I don't know if it's any different... So my...
  19. D

    Can you mix Ativan and Loratabs?

    Why would someone even bother with taking .5 of ativans...?
  20. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    When I said that I didn't mean to suggest I am a full blown schizphrenic. I've never experienced seeing visuals as described to me by my friend who actually has schizophrenia and whose brother has "schizophrenic tendencies" or some other word. But I know its not normal to hear voices and sounds...