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  1. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    i dont entirely understand what your trying to say in that post but i suffer from the majority of the symptoms (ADHD, depression, anxiety, and possible schitzophrenia and OCD) that i am prescribed medication for.
  2. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    I took one of the somas and got and it was complete garbage.. But as to the topic at hand.. I got prescribed seroquel by my doctor to take it at dinner time for day time anger problems. He gave me a bunch of samples to experiment with and see which dosage works best. So far all it's...
  3. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    BUMP What about Somas? Is that only prescribed to people with really serious issues?
  4. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    Serequil ain't that great, I've used it many many many a times, once I get to the point where 300mg's stops doing anything for me I stop. That and sure it gets you fucked up for a while but it makes you tired as fuck and want to sleep for days. I've been told Zoloft fucks you up, but haven't...
  5. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    I am careful I never drink just cause it's a pain in the ass to get liquor for me cuz i'm underage and its easier to get other shit. does anyone know of any anti-psychotics (or some other term that i dont know exists for anger) that are usually abused to get 'high'.
  6. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    well i went from smoking half ounces in a week to like a few bowl packs a day cause i got busted by the cops. i know y'all growers prolly be smokin bunches of that high grade shit but i aint got that shit at my advantage so im just tryin to get by day by day and these meds aint gettin me where i...
  7. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    I'm a broke mothafucka and I think I heard from my buddy that the maximum number of medications you can prescribed at one time is 6 but I'm not sure on that. And yeah I do toke everyday when I got money but I'm just wondrin if it's even going to be worth mentioning my anger problems if I am...
  8. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    bump please
  9. D

    Anti-Psychotics/"Anger" meds

    So I am going back to my psychiatrist next week and intend to talk to him about some anger issues and my ma's going with me to 'verify' the issues and hopefully get placed on some an anger medication. At the moment I'm prescribed: 300mg Wellbutrin XD 80mg Strattera 37.5mg Paxil CR 2 mg Xanax...
  10. D

    xanax footballs (alprozolam)

    I have many questions now about benzos... First is.. if I build a tolerance to clorazapram (klonopins) does that mean I would have the same tolerance to alprazolam just because they are in the same family of medications.. I'm starting to build a tolerance to 2 a day and its only been 4 days...
  11. D

    xanax footballs (alprozolam)

    Well I've been on klonopins for 4 days now and have steadily been taking 2 a day except for one day I took 3. The way I'm looking at it is is that I am only getting what I am prescribed.. I'm not trying to go buy them off the street and I wouldn't anyway. So even if I DIDN'T "abuse" these...
  12. D

    xanax footballs (alprozolam)

    I'm probably not going to end up popping these... I've been getting extremely bad anxiety attacks during the days now and shit and the kpins seem to help. I take 4mg and I am just fine..
  13. D

    xanax footballs (alprozolam)

    Doctor didn't give me Xanax for daytime. But now have klonopins for daytime and xanax for night.
  14. D

    xanax footballs (alprozolam)

    Why when I can get it for free?
  15. D

    xanax footballs (alprozolam)

    Do it to prove my manhood? What? I want them to get fucked up. I got all my pipes and bong and bubblers taken by the PD with my beautiful stash and even my scale :( Dealing with court shit right now... so trying to get more xanax so I can't get in trouble for something prescribed to me.
  16. D

    xanax footballs (alprozolam)

    Yeah I get the 2mg bars but mine are yellow. And I'm going to assume the 'XR's are extended release.. Hopin i can get my script doubled.. Also.. does anyone know if pharmacies in the US have an independant database somewhere that tracks prescriptions? For example if I had a script from one...
  17. D

    xanax footballs (alprozolam)

    So I'm prescribed Xanax 2mg bars 1 a night to put me to sleep. During the day time I experience a lot of anxiety and paranoia. What is the likeliness that my psychiatrist will prescribe me to take one in the morning/afternoon every day? I am turning 18 in march, and have been using this doctor...
  18. D


    Depends on the dog. I know a woman who was in a bar with an ounce in her purse and a K9 officer was there with his drug dog and she was petting him, and it did nothing. From my own personal experience I hid multiple pipes, bongs, etc. in a small hole under a floor board in my barn before it...
  19. D

    xanax footballs (alprozolam)

    It is when insurance pays for it.
  20. D

    xanax footballs (alprozolam)

    That's going to be a bitch :sad: