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  1. C

    Slow growth of seedlings.

    I smoke God Bud regularly, but I have never grown it. If your plant is tall and spindly, I suggest using more light or moving your lights closer. If the plant is lush, healthy, and branching, I would give it a tiny little bit of diluted nutes and see if it responds well. Make sure you are not...
  2. C

    seedling support

    Don't support the seedling. Giving it support now will only encourage it to continue to grow foliage and roots and not build any solid stem. By the time you flower, the thing will topple over for sure. Put a little wind on her to encourage stem growth.
  3. C

    WATERING HELP: rule of thumb is 200 ml per 4 gallon container - thats too low - NO?

    Everyone here is correct (almost everyone). Water when the pot feels light, not according to some schedule. She will tell you when she is thirsty. Best of Luck
  4. C

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Excellent pics. They look healthy alright. Here are mine at 3 weeks. Definitely stunted growth. I have moved them back to the floros because the leaves are firm and soil went dry very quickly. I think 600w was too much. Do you think they can recover? It probably isn't even worth it now, since...
  5. C

    Another Newbie Needs Help!

    Thanks for the info. I have been asked by others "Is 600w too strong for seedlings?" and I don't know the correct answer. In my case, it seems to have been too much. Or, I simply pulled the newbie move and over watered. Possibly a combination of both.
  6. C

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Interesting. Do you remember how tall they were at 3 weeks old? My 8 are now pretty forgone, I don't think there is much hope for them. My next option is to purchase some clones from the local dispensaries. I guess I will have to go that route for now. I am disappointed, but it was just bagseed...
  7. C

    New to growing need advice

    I just started in my garage as well. I bought a 2x4x5' tall tent and stuck a 600 watter in there. It needs at least a 240 CFM in line 6" fan to cool it, running all the time. No carbon filter yet, as I do not have any sizeable plants. :( Check my posts for my pics. I need some help! my seedlings...
  8. C

    Help please!!!

    Perlite is readily available by name at Lowes, Home Depot, WalMart, and other major stores. Be careful, sometimes they have nuted perlite, so make sure to check for that. Plant looks pretty healthy aside from a little burn. I wish mine looked that good! Best of luck
  9. C

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Thanks for the response. My pots are about 3" tall and they are made of coconut fiber (i think). I randomly grabbed them at the hydro store when I bought my soil. Also, the miracle grow is just plain perlite, with a fractional NPK value of .04:.01:.06, so not much nutes in there. It does not say...
  10. C

    First Grown

    that plant looks healthy to me. i'd start flowing her cause she is going to double in size as she makes those delicious buds. I have been told to never trim off healthy leaves unless you are taking a clone, but i am a newbie, so I dont know shit. best of luck to you!
  11. C

    1000 Watts grow ventilation help!

    if you are talking about an in-line carbon filter, you will need enough cfm's to push air through it. Also, with a 1000w lamp, you will need a fairly good size fan. I have a 600w metal halide lamp with 240 CFM in line fan 6" ducting and my small room temperature stays at 79F with the lamp on.
  12. C

    Heat STress problems/solutions

    As univativegrower said, good exhaust is needed. I have 600w metal halide lamp and I use a single 240 CFM fan to cool it. my roon is 8 square feet, and temps stay at 79F when the light is on.
  13. C

    Another Newbie Needs Help!

    Here are some details: bagseed germinated in paper towels moistened with tap water. planted into fox farm ocean forest cut with 25% perlite and a little dolomite lime. sprouts put under 2 four foot long floros until 1" - 2" tall, then moved to 600w metal halide in 2'x4'x5' mylar tent with 240...
  14. C

    Another Newbie Needs Help!

    I first posted the pics here. Leaves are turing yellow and curling up! Please help! Thanks in advance.
  15. C

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    humidity is 25 - 40% another crappy pic if it may help.
  16. C

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    First timer here, if you cant already tell by looking at that pic. Crappy camera, my bad. bagseedlings in fox farm ocean forest cut with 25% miracle grow perlite and a dab of dolomite lime. watering with ph ~6.5 tap water that has sat out for several days. have not added any nutes yet. leaves...