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  1. polishpothead

    newbie in need?

    well ill check it out thank you for your time and info its nice to know people are able to help ill keep the post and pics. coming once again thank you polishpothead!
  2. polishpothead

    newbie in need?

    how long should i keep it 24 hr. and when would it be good to put it on 12 12 they are only 6 inches tall at the most? since im gonna try to keep them indoors?
  3. polishpothead

    newbie in need?

    thank you guys love this site wouldnt of even got this far lol but its a great gift i use the filtered water from the tap but it is filtered i guess i need to get a test kit can you get anything like that at a wal-mart?
  4. polishpothead

    newbie in need?

    well ill start by saying thank god for this page i have started a grow my plants are only 4 weeks old and quite small? i planted them in a potting soil from wal-mart called EXPERT gardener has seemed to work fine just put food to them once half a teaspoon of miracle grow all purpose 24-8-16 i...