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  1. polishpothead

    using a 400 hps high bay

    i have recently purchased a highbay light 400 watt hps my question is it okay to hang that vertical as it is ment to be with reflector it came with or take reflector off at this time i only have one female in a 4x4 space and do know im gonna have to keep it 4 feet away from canopy? would...
  2. polishpothead

    help with sexing?

    thank you guys sad but hey still got acouple that havent shown any sign yet so keep your fingers crossed
  3. polishpothead

    help with sexing?

    more pics but the majority rules is it a male????:wall:
  4. polishpothead

    help with sexing?

    yea the nails thing is terrible i agree i will get another pic or two for you! thank you for the quik reply and i have only been 12-12 for a week and this is what it looks like is this two early to tell ?
  5. polishpothead

    help with sexing?

    this plant is 4 weeks old and im afraid its a male but since this is all new would lake to ask some experts hopefully you can tell from the pic? you help is appreciated thank you:leaf:
  6. polishpothead

    askin for some love please????? need answer's

    yes they all have had the same? water them together when the soil cracks
  7. polishpothead

    askin for some love please????? need answer's

    i started when they were 5 weeks? only feed them twice
  8. polishpothead

    askin for some love please????? need answer's

    yes it was a pre- fert. soil dont no how to flush? new at this can you help me out really am having fun with this and dont want them to die?
  9. polishpothead

    askin for some love please????? need answer's

    i have 3 plants that i keep 4 f40 bubs on 24 hrs. a day right now i planted them in a pre fertilized soil and have feed them twice with m.g. all purpose i have noticed they are changing color and now has brown spots i have tried to get answeres on here before no luck lots of looks but no help...
  10. polishpothead

    newbie in need?

    i have 3 plants that are starting to change in color to a yellow with brown spots ? they were doin great they are strong but are changing color??????? can anybody help ? i have enclosed pics hope there good enough? thank you for your help :eyesmoke:
  11. polishpothead

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    what would you recomened and how to acquire it?
  12. polishpothead

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    just the miracle grow all purpose? 24-8-16 and some schultz 10-15-10 havent used the schultz yet ?
  13. polishpothead

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    1/4 teaspoon per gallon jug?
  14. polishpothead

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    about every other day and only feed them 1/4 teaspoon of m.g. every other watering?
  15. polishpothead

    help ?

    was just wondering i have 3 plants i have 4 f40 bulbs going and a fan on them all. the temp is from 75-80 and the humd. is usually35-40 i keep the light on 24 hrs. two plants are turning a neon yellow with a hint of green but still look strong the other is dark green but droopy i water when the...
  16. polishpothead

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    was just wondering i have 3 plants i have 4 f40 bulbs going and a fan on them all. the temp is from 75-80 and the humd. is usually35-40 i keep the light on 24 hrs. two plants are turning a neon yellow with a hint of green but still look strong the other is dark green but droopy i water when the...
  17. polishpothead

    my plant is turning a yellowish light green?

    was just wondering i have 3 plants i have 4 f40 bulbs going and a fan on them all. the temp is from 75-80 and the humd. is usually35-40 i keep the light on 24 hrs. two plants are turning a neon yellow with a hint of green but still look strong the other is dark green but droopy i water when the...
  18. polishpothead

    is this okay?

    using florescent lights 4 f 40 bulbs 3050 lumens apeace two bulbs over two plants im growing in a 2ft 9 x 2ft 2 space 8 foot high my lights are on the floor tilted to top of wall pots are stagered 2 pots on floor two higher on other pots? seems to be workin pretty good but could use some advice...
  19. polishpothead

    newbie in need?

    using florescent lights 4 f 40 bulbs 3050 lumens apeace two bulbs over two plants im growing in a 2ft 9 x 2ft 2 space 8 foot high my lights are on the floor tilted to top of wall pots are stagered 2 pots on floor two higher on other pots? seems to be workin pretty good but could use some advice...
  20. polishpothead

    newbie in need?

    using florescent lights 4 f 40 bulbs 3050 lumens apeace two bulbs over two plants im growing in a 2ft 9 x 2ft 2 space 8 foot high my lights are on the floor tilted to top of wall pots are stagered 2 pots on floor two higher on other pots? seems to be workin pretty good but could use some advice...