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  1. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    well its been like 3 days so far and they havent sprouted which isnt suprising cause as i said theyve been lying around my mates garage in a baggy for nearly a year i wont give up on them just yet, but ive got good news from a friend of mine about a hyrdroponics shop nearby that should sell...
  2. Thor110

    I just sat on a potato chip and cut my ass.

    haha i must admit that is quite an odd one =P sue them to hell and back lol Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:
  3. Thor110

    Marijuana Might Go Up To Class-B In UK

    Marijuana Might Be going up to a Class-B drug this will take the mick if it does because you could get a prison sentence just for having like a tens on you... Anyone else in the UK disgusted by Gordon Brown wanting to make Marijuana a Class-B? Screw him ill still smoke it just cant be caught...
  4. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    any ideas people and once theyve started growing ill get pictures of the grow box up ok ^_^ and while theyre growing in that box im going to setup my wardrobe for using ill get everything i need... I will be getting... 2 Phosphorous Fluorescent Lights Mylar/Fire Blankets To Cover The New Grow...
  5. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    thanks well thats what ive done for now just popped them straight into the soil any ideas how long it will take for them to pop out the ground? cause as i said before i dont even know if these seeds are going to work but if they dont ill get hold of some... also if they do pop up then how often...
  6. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    anyone know the best way to germinate seeds i know of a few ways but i am not sure which is best for now ive just planted them but for future reference id like to know the best way to germinate seeds and how long could it take for them to pop out the ground? just so i dont end up waiting for...
  7. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    thanks i was also reading the lighting faq and it said that purple fluorescents were perfect for all stages of growth so ill get some fluorescents ^_^ also what sort of stuff do i need to be buying to set them up cause ill need something to connect it to and something to plug it in, and im not...
  8. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    i live with a couple of mates who also smoke it so they wont mind lol... and im in uk so $300 is about £150 which is above my budget at the moment as im not working >_< but i will be sometime soon lol. Thor110
  9. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    I dont want to spend too much on the entire grow but i am willing to spend on what is needed, i am going to start the grow in a small box and then while growing in there i am going to prepare a closet to grow in... it also needs to be stealthy but yes i can ventilate it just need to get some...
  10. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    Ok so im new to this and have got 10 seeds(unknown) from a friend and could do with some help, which form of lighting is the best and the cheapest to use... at the moment when i start growing them which i havent yet they will be in a small box lined with tin foil and a light attatched to the top...