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  1. Thor110

    My First Setup...

    This Is my first setup so let me know what you think of it and how it could be improved... Here is a picture of my wardrobe setup, you should clearly be able to see the fan and the plants the white thing draped over the lights is a large bit of white card im using as a sort of reflector... let...
  2. Thor110

    !!!U,k Growers Give Us A Shout!!!

    heyyyy i didnt think there was many other people on this site from the UK im in England and its not too bad but id love to go to amsterdam and see what the difference is like lol also seeing as you lot are from the UK could someone tell me the weight of an ounce in grams as ive heard two...
  3. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    Thanks and yeah theres no way they need transplanting yet they are pretty small, but ive got some big pots that i will transplant them into when they need it the pots should be big enough to keep them in for life :joint::mrgreen: and im going to get another light soon so i should be sorted...
  4. Thor110

    People who smoke and listin to rap

    Afroman - Because I Got High and Crazy Rap are good songs to listen to while smokin lol
  5. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    finally i got the pictures off my phone heres the latest picture of the first sprout ^_^ i think its looking fine, thanks to everyone here most likely lol, its about 6 days old now i dont know whether its small for 6 days old or what... lemme know people. also stems seem to be bulking up now...
  6. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    right when do people think i should start feeding my plants nutes? i got some nutes that are 15-5-30 just some generic plant food that we had in the shed lol i havent used it yet if its rubbish but when should i start feeding them nutes and how much... Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:
  7. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    yeah the leaves are healthy and green so as far as i can tell all is good i wish i could get some pics up but atm i cant find the link cable to my camera and i cant find the link cable to my phone which ive been taking pictures of every day or 2 on but when i do find it or when i go buy a new...
  8. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    well all seems to be going well although im not sure if this is a problem but the stems are a bit purple ive heard that it can be nitrogen deficiency but there are also types of marijuana plants that just happen to have purple stems... any ideas people lol Still cant get any pics up yet =/ Thor110
  9. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    when is it worth putting the plants into bigger pots? anyone know what sort of stage i should do this at... Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:
  10. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    right problem pretty much solved the plants are now 2.5inches above the soil where as before they were nearly 5inches above the soil i cant put the soil up anymore as it reaches the top of the pots also the plants are about 1.5inches away from the light so everything should now be fine :mrgreen...
  11. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    yeah i know about Mylar i havent got the money to get any just yet so im gona try get hold of some white paint lol... Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:
  12. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    anybody know if it would work or be a good/bad idea to cover up the stem with some soil so that it isnt so tall... Please help people i dont want to kill my plants when theyre like 5/6days old... Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:
  13. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    these plants are too tall they keep falling over for now ive tied them to a pen lol any idea what i should do? ive got a fan in there but if i use it they keep falling over... any ideas people??? also while tieing them down i kinda damaged the stem =( please let me know what i should do...
  14. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    im just wondering does anyone know if two 1200lumens fluorescent phosphorous lights be enough to grow these plants under... Thor110 :joint::mrgreen:
  15. Thor110

    Grindcore, metal, punk, anyone?

    i dont know what grindcore is lol but i like some heavy metal, industrial(rammstein), Drum n Bass.... and yeh theres lots of stoners out there that arent "Hippies" but hippies are cool lol =P but one thing i cant stand is to listen to metal while im smoking up, its just not something i can do...
  16. Thor110


    wont all of the seeds be hermie seeds though? thats what i think i read around here somewhere but as i said im still new to this... Thor110
  17. Thor110


    well im new to most of this but that either means its a hermie or its just a feature that females also have that does something else... from what ive seen around here it its a hermie which i dont know if it is then you should cut the little balls off to stop it from pollenating the female...
  18. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    ive moved the light closer now its about 6 inches away and ive got two 1200 lumen fluorescent lights. and yeh it does seem a little stretched to me as well... yeah your right two rounded leaves and two small pointy leaves but the leaves are very small and have been for ages but before i got the...
  19. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    2 out of the 5 seeds sprouted and are abour 4 inches tall but barely have any leaves... any ideas? or is this how they should be... thanks for any help... Thor110:joint::mrgreen:
  20. Thor110

    Newb Planning To Grow

    yay they have sprouted cant tell if they are actually marijuana yet but i wont give up on em until i know for sure if they arent then its down to the shop for me lol, i will try to get some pics up soon but i cannot find the link cable for my camera lol... Thor110