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  1. Poopstick09

    Kalashnikova anyone???

    Anyone else have any experience with this strain? It's an AK-47 X White widow and very very productive. Mine should be popping through soil any day now and I'm just looking for any tips or stories about it. Thanks!!
  2. Poopstick09

    First grow (all help welcome) 3 bagseeds and Feminized Kalashnikova

    Alright so can anyone answer my question about the curling under of the leaves? Also, when should I start adding my Fox Farm nutrients? On the chart it says for the seedlings to do 2 tablespoons/gallon. I do know that FFOF should be good to go for the first couple of weeks. Can anyone help?????
  3. Poopstick09

    First grow (all help welcome) 3 bagseeds and Feminized Kalashnikova

    Just added 2 - 23w CFL's and two personal fans as well as a timed 8 outlet plug. I also added the 2 Kalashnikova's to cups and am waiting for them to sprout. Here's some pics: Any comments or recommendations?? Edited to add: One of my taller seedlings (the second pic) is curling it's leave...
  4. Poopstick09

    First grow (all help welcome) 3 bagseeds and Feminized Kalashnikova

    Bump...anyone there?? How are they looking so far? This is the 6th day so far since they've sprouted...
  5. Poopstick09

    First grow (all help welcome) 3 bagseeds and Feminized Kalashnikova

    Oh and here's a link to a video from a Kalashnikova grow...makes me get a partial chub.
  6. Poopstick09

    First grow (all help welcome) 3 bagseeds and Feminized Kalashnikova

    Oh and here's a link to a video from a Kalashnikova grow...makes me get a partial chub.
  7. Poopstick09

    First grow (all help welcome) 3 bagseeds and Feminized Kalashnikova

    So I finalllly decided to make use of my MMJ card. It's been about 6 months since I've had it and figured its about that time since laws are currently unclear here in the MItten. Anyhow, I recently (day 6 of seedling) germed and soiled 3 bagseeds and they are now under a 2' - 4 Bulb T5 fixture...