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  1. Poopstick09

    Starting 12/12 tomorrow - 600w - 3 bagseed in 4x4x6.5' tent - any tips??

    Alright these things suck balls. I've tried just about everything and I still can't get the non-weighted side to adjust and even out. I did some more research and some people talked about putting weights on them but I'm good on all that. I'm just gonna run to the Hydro store and pick up some...
  2. Poopstick09

    Starting 12/12 tomorrow - 600w - 3 bagseed in 4x4x6.5' tent - any tips??

    Think I'm gonna take a step back and clear my head for a few minutes with some Double Chunk then get back to experimenting. I truly appreciate the help guys! Thanks a lot!!
  3. Poopstick09

    Starting 12/12 tomorrow - 600w - 3 bagseed in 4x4x6.5' tent - any tips??

    Alright well now I have the reflector hanging but it's all cock-eyed because the side with the light socket and cord is obviously heavier and pulling that side down further. How do I compensate for that? I still have not put the bulb in yet...
  4. Poopstick09

    Starting 12/12 tomorrow - 600w - 3 bagseed in 4x4x6.5' tent - any tips??

    Thanks for the responses guys. I'm really looking forward to what these babies do once they hit the 600w HPS flower room. I will say that I have been pretty good about watering (every 2-4 days as necessary), but after I flushed them the other day is when they've retained the most water. It looks...
  5. Poopstick09

    Starting 12/12 tomorrow - 600w - 3 bagseed in 4x4x6.5' tent - any tips??

    Me too.... and just a sidenote I actually did top the "shittier" one of three. It's still got some issues but as I said it's just a bagseed....I'm just kind of experimenting. I LST'd the two bigger ones and have some pretty nice results from what I can tell (first medical grow). I've also got a...
  6. Poopstick09

    Starting 12/12 tomorrow - 600w - 3 bagseed in 4x4x6.5' tent - any tips??

    There's really only 1 less bushy one which I've considered tossing all together (it's a bagseed afterall). But considering I just got this tent I might just throw it in to sex it and see what happens. And yeah I've seen a reduction in growth the last week or so. The soil (FFOF) has seemed to dry...
  7. Poopstick09

    Starting 12/12 tomorrow - 600w - 3 bagseed in 4x4x6.5' tent - any tips??

    So I just received my (bigass) tent today and should be getting my 600w tomorrow. I've been vegging for 42 days now under 2 - 23w CFL and a 2' 4-bulb T5 setup. Two of the three bagseed plants look unreal. Very low and very bushy. Any suggestions for putting these ladies into 12/12 tomorrow? Is...
  8. Poopstick09

    how much larger once you start flowering?

    LST them bitches
  9. Poopstick09

    Uk grower my first scrog :) with pics any advice welcome

    Thanks! In that case...consider me "subbed".
  10. Poopstick09

    Uk grower my first scrog :) with pics any advice welcome

    Lookin good bud. I would subscribe but I have no idea how to do that yet :)
  11. Poopstick09

    3 - Bagseed 2- Kalashnikova FIRST GROW!! CHECK OUT MY GIRLS!!

    Thanks Ghostdog. Yes I will be switching to a 600w HPS as soon as I can get my hands on the $. I planned on switching over the bagseeds to 12/12 by now but haven't been able to acquire the proper funds. How did your Kalashnikovas turn out? Were they the feminized GH seeds? Did they stay female...
  12. Poopstick09

    3 - Bagseed 2- Kalashnikova FIRST GROW!! CHECK OUT MY GIRLS!!

    Not really sure why the pics weren't listed in order...definitely added them in order. Anyhow you should be able to figure it out :)
  13. Poopstick09

    3 - Bagseed 2- Kalashnikova FIRST GROW!! CHECK OUT MY GIRLS!!

    So I've posted a couple of other threads that no one seems to have any interest in. Anyhow, here is my first grow! As of right now I'm on the 4th week of veg for the bagseed and about the 3rd week for the Kalashnikova's. Here are some pics from beginning to current: Lights are 1- 2' 4...
  14. Poopstick09

    First grow, first journal (Acid, Nebula, Purple Haze and Royal Dwarf)

    You can transplant at any time just depends on if you want to go through the hassle of it. As of right now they look healthy so that's going to be a decision you'll have to make. I would do it sooner rather than later though if you're going to do it. As for the poly, if you have a local...
  15. Poopstick09

    First grow, first journal (Acid, Nebula, Purple Haze and Royal Dwarf)

    They look good so far. I'm currently doing my first grow as well. May I recommend getting some different soil (I've heard/read nightmare stories about Miracle Grow)? I'm currently using the Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and have had wonderful results so far (although you'll hear different inputs on...
  16. Poopstick09

    How are the girls looking? (First grown content)

    Well no doubt it is from a bag of dank. Haven't bought a bag of anything for quite a few years. Anyhow to me they are all looking very indica. The two in the cups are Kalashnikova (AK47 X White Widow) which is an indica heavy strain. Pretty new to the scene according to GHSeeds. Anyhow looking...
  17. Poopstick09

    How are the girls looking? (First grown content)

    So I'm about 3 1/2 weeks into veg with 3 bagseeds and about a week and a half into veg with 2 Kalashnikova. Here are some pics. I recently started adding nutrients to the bagseed (FF big bloom/grow big) and I think I've got some residual nute burn. But I've decided to see how much these bitches...
  18. Poopstick09

    YOU GOT TO SEE THIS! 2 INCH, 4 MONTH old autoplant. Now What??

    This thread reeks of hilarity. +1 everybody *starts slow clap*
  19. Poopstick09

    First grow (all help welcome) 3 bagseeds and Feminized Kalashnikova

    Temp is at 77f and humidity is right around 50%. I've only been watering when necessary. I have a tomato/pepper garden in the summer so I'm pretty good about knowing when to water. The one is still curling under...don't really get it as the other 2 are really looking nice. Anyways, heres some...