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  1. ricehead

    Found out I can Legally Grow in CA, Started growing a Week later... First grow ever!

    Update* Day 19, they have been growing strong. Been battling a bit of nut burn/def... can't really tell too much but I feel that the soil was HOT to start with which may have contributed to the nute burn early on. they have definitely grown in size and mass. Plan on flipping to flower...
  2. ricehead

    Second grow, new grow cab. Sugar Kush!

    sub'd can't wait to see how these babies turn out. im growing the same strand!
  3. ricehead

    First Grow, Blackstar 500, 32x32x60 Grow Space

    Hey, nice set up. I too have noticed some leaves turning rustt on me and getting dry and crusty. Sub'd to see if you resolve your issue. Good luck!
  4. ricehead

    2nd Indoor Grow, New Setup w/ CFL's and T5's. Lots pf pics!

    Whats your water schedule like?
  5. ricehead

    2nd Indoor Grow, New Setup w/ CFL's and T5's. Lots pf pics!

    Hey! Just wanted to see how your progressin along, man thats a sweet setup, more and more i look at the dresser, more and more i think about gutting one of my dressers out. (to lazy for the work though) haha just a question, since you have more grows under your belt than i do. leaves look a...
  6. ricehead

    Found out I can Legally Grow in CA, Started growing a Week later... First grow ever!

    Update* Ok, they have been in the 3 gallon pot for 11 days today! and my my they have gotten very big 3 strong and one runt of the litter, can't quite figure it out but she's taking her sweet ol time. Yesterday was their 3rd watering/first with nutes, half dosage of recommendation for week 2...
  7. ricehead

    Found out I can Legally Grow in CA, Started growing a Week later... First grow ever!

    Welcome! Thanks for the encouraging words. I too was really nervous when I went to apply for my card, but the doctor was super cool and understanding. 3rd crop! wow, already close to veteren status! Your absolutely right about the calming effect of growing marijuana, I go into my grow room...
  8. ricehead

    Found out I can Legally Grow in CA, Started growing a Week later... First grow ever!

    I wish I would have seen this a few days ago. =P I already bought 85watt CFLs definitely taking your advice on the HPS for flowering, I can already see the benefits of a HID light.
  9. ricehead

    Humble Servant's 1000W One Plant Fully Organic Orange Crush SCROG Journal

    Man you make orange kush sound sooo good! Sub'd!
  10. ricehead

    2nd Indoor Grow, New Setup w/ CFL's and T5's. Lots pf pics!

    Just curious, how many plants from your last harvest? Also what size grow bags will the be going into?
  11. ricehead

    Found out I can Legally Grow in CA, Started growing a Week later... First grow ever!

    Man they have gotten mighty big! Pics will be up tomorrow...
  12. ricehead

    Critical Jack, White Widow, Connie Chung - 1st indoor mac gyver style.

    New leaves are looking strong and green. I'm sure they were just a bit stressed out, but since your gonna give them some time, they should recover nicely. sub'd keep it up, can't wait to see the fatties they put out =)
  13. ricehead

    Fox farm lst grow

    I read this whole thing, and i cant believe it ended with all three being males! Damn
  14. ricehead

    Found out I can Legally Grow in CA, Started growing a Week later... First grow ever!

    Haha thats so funny that you said you were at home depot every other weekend, ive been there every other day for the past 2 weeks. And yes i ultimately plan on using hps hid for my flowering but just havnt pulled the trigger due to lack of funds. Tell me, did you keep the fluoros going with...
  15. ricehead


    From my understanding, mirrors absorb light thus not giving the reflection of light that we need.
  16. ricehead

    What are these spots on my plant? [Pictures]

    Ph levels are normal?
  17. ricehead

    Found out I can Legally Grow in CA, Started growing a Week later... First grow ever!

    Update* So after doing some more research, I figured out that the 64Watts of t8 lighting wasn't sufficient enough to grow my babies. Today I order 4 x 86 watt CFL's at 6500k from amazon, and stopped by home depot to pick up four light sockets and some temp 24watt Cfls. Let me know what you...
  18. ricehead

    Found out I can Legally Grow in CA, Started growing a Week later... First grow ever!

    thanks man, it is an awsome hobby, too bad most of the country can't enjoy it the way we can =)
  19. ricehead

    Found out I can Legally Grow in CA, Started growing a Week later... First grow ever!

    what do you guys think? these pictures are 5 days apart