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  1. J

    quick nuites qustion

    My ph is 6.5./6.7 . How much salts should I put in a 3 liter bottle . The leaves. R yellowing. The whole leave not just the edges and a. Lot r falling off . So I though it could be mag deficiencies
  2. J

    quick nuites qustion

    I am 4th week into flowering . And think got deficiencies. I want to use epsom salts . So can I just add a 1/4 teaspoon to the water bottle I got nuties in . Or do I have to water in seprate bottles .
  3. J

    4th week flowering leaves falling off

    I test it with ph sample cards . I test the water with my big bloom nuties.. I am lucky . My tap water is 6.5 before I add any thing .
  4. J

    4th week flowering leaves falling off

    I don't think it is a ph prob . I tested it . I grow in soil . And its 6.6 / 6.7 .
  5. J

    4th week flowering leaves falling off

    Hi I got 3 afgahns about 3 1/2 tall . And this is my first grow . Most of the leaves r ok nice and green . But quite a lot of the other leaves r yellow and falling off . And sum others have got a lot of black spots on them . Looked closely and don't think there r any bugs . Is it normal for the...
  6. J

    help needed 4th week flowering

    Yes got a fan on them all day and door open during the day in a. Closest so it gets hot if door is closed . So plenty of air .
  7. J

    help needed 4th week flowering

    Hi guys first time grower got 3 afgahns into the 4th week of flowering . They r about 3 foot tall . But in the last week I have noticed a lot of the leaves r dieing and falling off . Is this normal . Most of the other leaves look quite healthy.. but a few have got black spots and sum r yellow ...
  8. J

    help is it male

    Hey mants I just had a look again and all the plants have that big oval thing round each. Bit of the stock so is that they r all hemies
  9. J

    help is it male

    Mantisn that was a perfect . Post . Mines looks totaly like the first pic . On that link so . I think it will n fem . The male pics with the ones with the clear balls is not like mine . I will let it grow and keep an eye on it but hopefully all good . Thanks so much for the post . Girls all the...
  10. J

    help is it male

    What is Sig .. ? . I so wish I could give photo . I can't cut them off . cause they r not sticking out . Its like ruffled on the stem they r like tiny wee balls . Would it be all over the plant if it was male . Cause its only one tiny bit on the stem no where. Else on the plant
  11. J

    help is it male

    Hey this is my first grow . Got 3 afgahn plants nearly 3 weeks in to flowering one of them has got like small little balls but not like a male . I looked at other pics and it looks total diffrent its just on the main steam half. Way up . Sorry no camera . Can any one plz give me sum pics of a...
  12. J

    whats afgan like

    Hey guy I am a noob and just wanting to no what. Afgan is like for a first time effort . And what other strain would b good for a novice . Any comment s welcome
  13. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Quick question . What do do signs of early buds look like . And what do hermies look like 2 weeks. Into flowering
  14. J

    will it stress the plant

    I got a fan on them all the time . And it is stable now at 78 / 80 I close the door when the lights go off. And it only drops to 70 in dark period . It's a hot closet . Wot. Other things can make them hermies ?
  15. J

    will it stress the plant

    It was about 90 .but I got it down to 78 now . In closet . So I keep. the door open all the time . I will get pics tommorow
  16. J

    will it stress the plant

    My afgan is 2 weeks into flowering . No sign of buds yet . But my heat was high for a while b4 I switch to 12 / 12 . Can they turn into hermies at this stage ?
  17. J

    What Do You Guys Think?

    Nice dude . Looks like a good size to . Nice idea with the foil
  18. J

    heat prob

    Can any one help growing in closet about 8ft high 4ft wide .my plants r about 6 weeks old but curling up at edges . They r a foot an half tall . Got the door open all day and got fan in closet but can't get it below 80 . Going to start flowering next few days . Will the heat cause prob . First...
  19. J

    Hi sorry don't no how to post message first time one site could u help plz

    Hi sorry don't no how to post message first time one site could u help plz
  20. J

    Hi can any one help . Got heat prob growning in closet got 3 plants about 6 weeks old the leaves...

    Hi can any one help . Got heat prob growning in closet got 3 plants about 6 weeks old the leaves r curling up on the edges . It was into the 90s but got it down to 80 got door open all day and fan in closet . Going to start flowering next few days will the heat b a prob ? Oh they r afgans