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  1. roo

    Ph up and Ph down

    Thanks for the help cant change soil now but will defiantely use lime as a buffer on my next grow in a couple weeks. +rep to all
  2. roo

    Ph up and Ph down

    I have been getting conflicting reports on whether or not is organic. Just as many people say it is as it isn't. But i fully understand what you are saying about the microbes not liking the shift in ph. I know you can use vinegar as down. Usually when I add my nutes they are already down i need...
  3. roo

    Ph up and Ph down

    She is a pinup her name is lola luv. Tell her you grow highgrade and I am sure those panties will drop. :hump:
  4. roo

    Ph up and Ph down

  5. roo

    Ph up and Ph down

    She's hot right. I wish I was tapping that ass.
  6. roo

    Ph up and Ph down

    I am not sure that this has been asked. It has probably and i cant find it. But what the hell, I have ph up and down from gh. Can this be used on organic grows. Or would they kill all of my beneficials in my soil.bongsmilie
  7. roo

    Guerilla grow - nutrient question (osmocote)

    I am refering to the yellow one that they give you. That is what i do
  8. roo

    Guerilla grow - nutrient question (osmocote)

    Osmocote works great but I defiantely wouldnt crush them. They are resin embedded with nutrients as you water they release nutrients thus you wouldnt want to crush them, it defeats the slow release purpose. It is "near" impossible to burn with osmocote they are buffered. I would use 1 1/2 to 2...
  9. roo


    Make sure you compost the manure or you could be causing your self some bad pathogen problems down the road. Cow manure is notorius for having pathogens in it non composted. No need for miracle grow and if drainage is a problem just add some perlite.
  10. roo

    good strains foheat and humidity?

    Durban poison and kaya from nirvana are good. If heat and humidity are an issue try to stay with sativas they usually do better than indicas in these conditions.
  11. roo

    How many ounces yielded with your 400watt?

    Lst is a good idea or you could fim as well. If you are trying to run one bushy plant with many budsites. This actually works well for the 400 watter because of the weaker penetration if you have multiple sites it can really fill the plant out and give you a good yield. This method would...
  12. roo

    Hbs Stadium 2.o

    I know you have probably seen these grows before. I think these are the best uses of light and are the most efficienct way of growing. One guy get 1.5 grams per watt on a regular base. He uses less electrcity than you are using. Here is the links just in case...
  13. roo

    How many ounces yielded with your 400watt?

    Hey kill you can get 6 ozs from 1 plant or 20 lots of factors into yield. Do like taffo says and give it a try. sog works well with 400 because of the lack of penetration when compared to 600 or 1000.
  14. roo

    areo 26 site simple and under $90

    What do you usually yield in a tub like that one HOHO. I'm thinking you could get a pretty good size yield if you had say 4 or so of them. I really like your design.
  15. roo

    Lowryder guerrilla 09

    Yeah it is easy to get an ounce from each plant indoors. The reason they grow best under 20/4 light schedule. Thats why harvests are low in the spring and fall. If you want a heavy harvest you want to harvest in june,july or august. As for the law that is up to you and your concealment noone can...
  16. roo

    I heard lowryder shouldnt be planted in the ground???

    you can use whatever soil mix you think is best but whenever i reccomend a soil its usually fox farm ocean forrest. It is pricey though or you can make you own like i do.
  17. roo

    autoflowering strains outdoors?yeah or no?

    Go for it you will be pleasantly surprised, trust me.
  18. roo

    Need help picking a auto-flowering strain or strains

    I would go with lr2 or auto ak47 they yield the most. I would do regular because you can do a seed run and you dont have to buy anymore seeds. Save you sum money then you can give me some. Haha. I wouldn't go with pic and mix. Pm me if you have any more questions or just post.
  19. roo

    autoflowering strains outdoors?yeah or no?

    What they are meaning is that autos grow best on a 20/4 light schedule. So if you do grow outside you will have your best harvest in june and july when you have the most light. In the other months you have a good harvest just not as much but it is outside you can plant more and make up the...
  20. roo

    Lowryder guerrilla 09

    Sounds like a good idea. First remember you will get our biggest yield in the months of june and july when you have the most light. I would probaly plan on planting 32 plants at a time cause half would be female half male you would be left with 16 on average of ounce a piece =pound. I would...