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  1. J

    1st Grow! Help with my plants. Cant figure out what is wrong.

    HAHAHA...I probably am trippin for sure but if you look at the pics closely, the edges of the leaves are turning up and looks like they are burning or "melting" for lack of better term. These are three different plants.
  2. J

    1st Grow! Help with my plants. Cant figure out what is wrong.

    Sorry. Here are the rest of my pics. Still getting a feel for this forum!
  3. J

    1st Grow! Help with my plants. Cant figure out what is wrong.

    This is my first grow and it is a strain a friend of mine did himself. The plants are 17 days into veg and look like they are heat stressed. Was using 600 watt mh at about 2 feet away from canopy but have reduced it to 450 watt with ballast. Using MG Organic Choice potting mix. Yes I know MG...
  4. J

    1st grow. Help with my plants! cant figure out what the problem is

    I have reduced the light from 600 to 450 watt mh. Watering with botanicare pure grow every other watering, in between with cal-mag mixed in distilled. Using mg organic choice potting mix. I know but it's all I can get around where I live. Watering every two to three days. Plants in three Gallon...