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  1. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    "itsgrowinlikeaweed" good stuff bro way to regulate...... yeah i think that i missed calculated my cfl bulb temp, and left the door closed.. therefor not recieving enough fresh air... fer shits - n - giggles im going to grow out the "runway model" and she where she goes.. live n learn...
  2. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    :joint:kiss-assDamn i can't believe its 2 weeks i haven't done anything other that transplant...... whats the deal with the plant that has the skinny ass leaves? is it pure sativa?.. i dont know cause they are all bagseeds..... whatch y'all think... i found some fox farm.. is it worth the...
  3. B

    Possible too much light??

    "if you don't like my fire, then don't come around.. cause I'm gunna burn one dooooown." Good stuff Vandewalle i agree seeing you need flippin a junk load of lights to produce a great yeild. And i do believe quicker
  4. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    hey right on man.. my first grow i was wondering why when i switched light, It looked like they were starving for light.. good thing I'm posting.... thanks a lot ....
  5. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    My last grow went well.. The only problem was, I started with 7 plant and only ended up w/1.... it was a damn good one though I guess thats what happens with bag seeds!! I want to get a lil better before i out-right buy seeds.. Yeah im not to worried about HPS as of this point. Yes...
  6. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    :joint: Greetings fellow farmers! Well this is day 8. The transplant seems to have been successful. I'm beggining to think the smell is going to skunk the whole flippin place up. They already smell fresh.. no complaints! enjoy:peace: I feeling like drinkin for celabration! 6 er of Stella...
  7. B

    my first bag seed rubbermaid cfl grow

    good stuff man.. hope all goes well.. ill be watchin....
  8. B

    Quick soil question

    okay... so i saw a post and it gave me the idea to see if it worked..... i got a buddy that is a vendor for walmart.. so while he was working i pretended to work and i literally check all the Ph levels in All the bags of potting soil, top soil, mixes...etc...... here are my 2 recomendations...
  9. B

    Wal Mart Nutrients..

    ey bro.. if i were you, when you do start you nutes use water soluable and start out with only lik 1/8 to 1/4 streangth to get 'em use to the "added" nutrition.. good luck bro
  10. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    great pics.. gotta love the BUSH huh!! yeah im not sure what the deal is but i have a couple that really grew past the others.. ive done nothin different... im thinkin they have the characteristics of males... seems last grow the males hurried up and sacked out before the females.. right on...
  11. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    Thanks for the replys guys... Yes, i did have them under humidity dome for there first week.... from what my temp/humidity gauge said it was 79-80f and 100% humidity... my first grow i left the lights on 24/0 and the 12/12 forced flowering and i havent noticed a difference with this grow...
  12. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    ok so im gettin pic happy.. i just thought there was good development. I re-potted and noticed hat there was substancial rootting going on(or goin down)lmao..
  13. B

    1st grow, very much CFL light/plant?

    sup bro.. well i wouldnt skimp on light...i learned that the hard way.. how many plants u have?.. my "newbie" rule of thumb is i have 2 26w 1600lumes 6500k daylight cfls'. per 2 seedlings and they are bout a inch or 2 away ... you will get a lot of suggestions thrown at you.. ive noticed this...
  14. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    thanks bro... its amazing how much you learn in just one grow.. im postin pics tonight of the 12 hour of growth ALREADY.. my lighting set up is on 16 on 8 off.. imo they need the rest.. be back for more later....
  15. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    :shock: Right on. they seem to be growing at a successful rate, good development already. Since this being my first journal, and seeing as how im not only doing it for your entertainment but for my "reference" for future grows. Something to reflect on. Am i being detailed enough along the...
  16. B

    My First Indoor Grow

    :peace: well bro you got them to survive one up for that but dude after you were told they were streaching you still have you cfls' to far way... they should be liike 1-2 inch away or its going to be long stringy bud....
  17. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    Okay here it is next day.. day 6 since the ground breaking event!! they have a skunk smell already an you can see the purp forming on the leaves...... comments welcome....
  18. B

    Okay, here it goes 1st journal 2nd grow!

    :hump: whats up folks! i posted a thread with some questions no one answered.? So I read on my own and this is what ive got... i will be posting the grow regularly... From the top: My seeds were saved over many years from great smoke...prup haze hermmie seeds no one wanted.....o well why not...
  19. B

    Check it out... Any comments welcome...only 2nd garden ever

    okay.. any input yet?? Here is another question?? should i do away with the 4ft flouro u see above and use just the cfls' or keep it split like i have it? the tube is.."cool white 40w 3350lumes and 4100k my cfls' are cool white.. 26w 1750 lumes 6500kelvin.. white the penitration (kelvin)...
  20. B

    Check it out... Any comments welcome...only 2nd garden ever

    okay obviously a newbie.. like the title says this is only my second grow. I seem to be following the trend of broke asses and am trying to grow on my broke ass budget! any comment is greatly appreciated...ive done lots of reading.. i have pics from 1st grow... and pics from what...